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"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!" Even with his handcuffs on, Xiumin managed to grab Jungkook's collar through the bars. His voice softened, yet it was somehow still hard "Jeon Jungkook.. When are you going to stop thinking about yourself?"

Chapter 34: I'm Trying

Jungkook stopped, looked around, then hurried to one of the counters. He tapped the counter and he grew impatient as the lady behind the counter took so long to look up from her laptop screen.

"How can I help you?" She smiled at Jungkook who was running fingers through his hair.

"There's like a.. nurse. He works here. Where can I find him?"

She picked up the telephone, her fingers hovering over the keypad "May I know his name?"

"His name?" Jungkook mumbled as he looked around, then back at the lady "His last name is Lee, can't you find him."

"There are over a hundred Lees working here." The lady put her hand down, tired.

"Well, he had a younger brother?"

"Does his brother work here?" The lady sat up, ready to type the number into the phone "Do you happen to know his name?"

"No, no he doesn't." Jungkook sighed and slumped down in frustration. His phone rang and he answered it.

"YAH, JEON JUNGKOOK!" Yoongi shouted over the phone, shattering Jungkook's poor eardrums "YOU HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT XIUMIN'S TRIAL, HAVE YOU?"

"His phone's turned off." You rolled off Yuri's bed and dropped to the ground. "I feel guilty."

"Girl, what are you guilty for?" Yuri threw her phone away and jumped up, grabbing something from her bathroom "When people break up, they need a change."

"BREAK UP?" You jumped up "We are not dating!"

"Well, obviously not anymore." Yuri rolled her eyes, producing a pair of scissors from behind her back and your eyes widened "Look, y/n, I've been dying to do this. Min-syuk's paper says get a change, and that's what I'll give you."

"No no nO NO NO." You tried to run away, but Yuri tackled you.

"You're going to look be.au.ti.ful..."


"Oh.my.god. YURI!!"

Jungkook took a seat among the crowd as Xiumin's lawyer took a seat at one of the tables that were placed at the front of the court. Xiumin sat next to him, sweat trickling his forehead.

And with that, the trial began.

"Kim Min-seok.. er, Xiumin.. Kim Xiumin?," The prosecutor cleared his throat, continuing "You do agree that Jungkook was at your house that night, and that you left the house even when you knew there was a blackout, isn't that so?"

"Yes, that is so, but I plead not guilty, for I have not attempted to murder Jeon Jungkook."

"There is a history between you two, isn't it? You weren't on good terms back in high school."

"Yes, that is true, but everything between us has been resolved when we graduated."

"Xiumin's attorney, please produce your evidence."

The session dragged on as Xiumin's attorney defended the prosecutor's attacks. Jungkook looked around and spotted a familiar figure in the seated crowed. His face was half covered, but Jungkook instantly the face of the person that wanted him to suffer so much.

"Then," The judge's voice boomed over the court room, tearing Jungkook's eyes away from the man "There is not enough evidence to prove whether Xiumin is guilty or innocent. He will be kept in the holding cell until evidence is provided."

Everyone got up, and Jungkook turned back to look at the man, but he was long gone. Jungkook got up, looking around as Yoongi approached him.

"Let's go see Xiumin in front of the holding cell."

Jungkook nodded as he followed Yoongi to where they kept their friend, but he couldn't stop scanning his surroundings for any sign of the man. They stopped in front of Xiumin's cell as Xiumin got up and walked to them, only the bars separated them.

"We have to do something. I can't stay here." Xiumin's voice was shaky as he looked at Jungkook who nodded, but wouldn't meet his eyes "Jungkook, you've been weird lately."

Jungkook didn't say a thing, for he had nothing to say.

"Jungkook, don't tell me.." Xiumin tried to forcefully meet his eyes "You know who it is, don't you?"

"I'm working on it." Jungkook refused to say more.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!" Even with his handcuffs on, Xiumin managed to grab Jungkook's collar through the bars. His voice softened, yet it was somehow still hard "Jeon Jungkook.. When are you going to stop thinking about yourself?"

"Xiumin," Jungkook gritted his teeth as he pushed Xiumin's hand off "I'll do it. I'll prove you innocent, but I'll do it in my own way. Just trust me, alright?"

Xiumin slumped back and sighed "Alright. I trust you. I'll try to help if I can.. from here."

Jungkook nodded as he left with Yoongi, who leaned in and whispered "Whats the plan?"

"We need to find a blackbox that was operating near the convenience store where Xiumin brought the beer." Jungkook ran fingers through his hair "That'll be enough proof that Xuimin wasn't there when I got stabbed, right?"

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now