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A chuckled escaped the unfamiliar being "Have you ever killed, Jeon Jungkook?"

Chapter 30: No Murder Is An Accident

"You may go in." The secretary at Jeon Enterprises smiled at you, opening the office door. You walked in, your eyes glued to the figure behind the desk. Out of all the places and companies your mother could've chosen to work with, it had to be this one.

"Yes?" Mr. Jeon looked up at you, smiling warmly "Ah. Kim Hyena's daughter?"

You nodded, pushing forward a folder your mother gave you and he took it. "Take a look around while I finish this quickly."

You nodded and looked left and right, noticing a desk across the room. You walked towards it, eyeing the thin layer of dust on it. It hasn't been used in a while.

"That's my son's desk. He isn't currently here because he's working overseas."

"Overseas?" You mumbled to yourself. Was this his cover for Jungkook being stabbed?

You walked around the desk, a little afraid to be crossing the line, but Mr. Jeon didn't say anything. You picked up a picture frame of little tsundere Jungkook and his mother hugging him tightly. There was a glint of happiness in his eyes as he scrunched his face, pretending not to like his mother's embrace.

You smiled at the warmth and love that was present in the photo, until Mr. Jeon's voice cut you off. "Here."

You took the file from his extended arm and bowed, returning his smile as you walked out.

The strange figure kneeled in front of Jungkook who was resting peacefully in his bed, his eyes shut closed. Jungkook must've noticed his presence, because his eyes flung open and he turned to the figure. Jungkook was about to jump up, but the figure grabbed Jungkook's face and forced him to look in his eyes.

A chuckled escaped the unfamiliar being "Have you ever killed, Jeon Jungkook?"

Jungkook flashed a confused look as he was held forcefully, slowly sneaking his hand to press the button next to his bed. The man shook Jungkook's face, asking him again. "I asked you; have you ever killed?"

"No." Jungkook spat, pushing away the figure and standing up.

"Woah, Jeon Jungkook, look at you being all bold. Only last year you were nothing but a coward." The figure clapped then dropped his arms by his sides, his big brown orbs sending daggers at the injured boy "You only ever think of yourself, Jeon Jungkook."

"And I'll think only of myself too." The figured slammed Jungkook onto the wall, wrapping his hand around Jungkook's neck, cutting off Jungkook's airway. The guy produced a picture from his pocket. "Don't you remember, Jeon Jungkook? Doesn't this face haunt you every night? Tsh, you're just that bloodless, aren't you?"

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook. That's right, I stabbed you. For a whole year, I've waited for this, you know?" The guy said as Jungkook's vision blurred "It won't be that easy, Jeon Jungkook. I'll come back and come back, until you're going to regret everything you've ever done, until your selfishness to live brings your own death."

Jungkook dropped to the floor unconscious, not dead. Not yet. The figure knelt down next to him, shoving the photo in his pocket. "No murder is an accident, Jeon Jungkook. I think your mother's case tells that story well."

The figure put on his cap and mask, walking out of the hospital room and shutting the door. He kept his head low, avoiding as much CCTVs as possible. He climbed onto a bus and sat down, looking out the window at the clouds that just started pouring, then down at the glowing bracelet in his hand, caressing it as his eyes watered.

~ Hey Guys ~

I don't quite like where the story is going, do you?
That's for 16K, everyone! I read each and every one of your comments. They're hilarious.
That's it for now.

> Eat Well! Get Stuffed! <

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