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"Are you trying to get me killed?" Min-syuk raised an eyebrow at Jungkook, then smiled. "Let's do it."

Chapter 45: One More Case

Jeon Jungkook walked into the police station, where he's been told to go, and was greeted by a police officer who told him to follow him, leading him into the holding cells. Do Hyun was leaning against one of the bars, not a worry in the world.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook hissed when the officer went away.

"I found him." Do Hyun turned to Jungkook, uninterestingly. "The guy that caused the train crash. I found him."

"And then you turned yourself in for stabbing me?"

"I lost my medical license for doing so." Do Hyun sighed, standing up to properly face Jungkook. "I wanted to come clean. I hope the court will be the last place we ever meet, Jeon Jungkook."

"Time's over." The officer said, standing up to escort Jungkook out of the place.

"We'll never get along, Jeon Jungkook." Do Hyun leaned his head on the bar, shutting his eyes "You know that well."

After that, Jungkook was taken to one of the offices to give his statement, and the rest wasn't short. There was a court session that same day, where Do Hyun was proven guilty. Lucky for Do Hyun, Jungkook's choice of words lead him to receive a sentence for aggravated assault, not attempted murder, and was sentenced to two years in prison.

Jungkook sighed resting his head on a wall after leaving court. He's been to court so many times this month it was making him dizzy. Drama, police, sentence, fights, more drama. All the wanted to do was wrap himself up in his friend's warm apartment that he moved into, shut off the lights and just sleep.

But he couldn't.

There was one more case he needed to finish first. Despite that, Jungkook had his priorities right.

Food comes first.


"Mm~" Jungkook hummed at the delightful food that just entered his mouth. "Where did you learn to make this?"

"One of y/n's model friends." Min-syuk tapped his chin, thinking. "I think his name was Seoklim or something."

"Seokjin?" Jungkook suggested through a mouthful of food, then he jumped up, remembering something. "Oh right, speaking of y/n's work, did you see?"

"See what?" Min-syuk looked up at from his phone, widening his eyes at Jungkook. "Finish what's in your mouth first."

"A new magazine from that fashion line just dropped, and it's blowing up!" Jungkook said after he swallowed, pulling out a magazine he had stuffed in his bag and showing it to Min-syuk.

"This guy is Jung Hoseok, I think." Jungkook pointed at the sunshine boy on the front cover and then flipped it open. "Here's y/n. She actually designed these clothes."

"Woah. Does that mean you and I can get free clothes because she's a designer and model there?" Min-syuk jumped up, exchanging mischievous smiles with Jungkook.

"In your dreams." You walked in, grabbing a donut. "I don't work 24/7 to give people free items. I need to pay for college tuitions, you know."

"Hey, Min-syuk." Jungkook's eyes twinkled, turning to the said boy "Can you ride motorcycles?"

"No." Min-syuk took a bite of his food.

"Great." Jungkook got up, his plate finished "Let's have a motorcycle race."

"Are you trying to get me killed?" Min-syuk raised an eyebrow at Jungkook, then smiled. "Let's do it."


"See?" Min-syuk turned over his arms, showing you before he dropped himself on your couch. "No broken limbs."

"But there are hella lot of scratched limbs." You eyed the gauze wrapped around Min-syuk's arm, and the countless bandages over his arms and legs.

"It's just a scratch, bro." Min-syuk waved you off, covering his face with a pillow and going to sleep.

You sighed, making your way to your room and plopping yourself on the bed. Where is Jungkook? You dialled him, and it took him a while to answer.

"Yah, Jungkook!" You yawned sleepily. "I told you to text me when you get home. Where are you?"

"I'm so sorry." Jungkook half-whispered, and you could hear someone's voice from the other side. "I'm really busy right now. I'll text you when I get home. Go to sleep now. Good Night."

"Yeah." You sighed quietly, your eyelids getting heavy. "Good Night."

Jungkook hung up, and you dropped your hand that you were holding next to your ear, closing your eyes and surrendering to sleep. Maybe you were hearing things because you were sleepy, because you sure heard a woman's voice there.

You must be mistaken, right?

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