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"What do we have here?" A figure appeared, standing in front of both of you "The heir of Jeon Enterprise and his little girlfriend. How pretty."

Chapter 40: Your Knowledge Comes With A Price

[Four Days Subsequent To The Previous Chapter]

Jungkook tapped on his laptop, only a day after he got discharged. His phone rang and he picked it up at the speed of light "Did you find her location? Huh?"

He slumped in frustration and slammed the phone down, hanging up. He sat back down, tapping on his laptop harshly, but his attention wasn't all on Ireum. The front door beeped as you opened it to go out, and Jungkook's eyes instantly shot in your direction.

"Where are you going?" He asked softly, looking up in your direction.

"To breathe." You huffed pushing your hair out of your face.

Jungkook blinked for a few seconds, then took in the mess he made in your living room. "I'm too much, aren't I?"

"Not at all." You gave a forced smile, holding the door open, then turning to Jungkook one last time and spitting out words faster than Eminem "I never really got to answer your question before, but like.. My answer is yes. To your question.. About being a couple."

With that, you bolted out the front door faster than Usain Bolt. Jungkook tried to call after you, standing up to follow you but his phone rang loudly and he picked it up.

"Yes?" He listened carefully to the voice on the other end "I'm coming over right now."


You and Jungkook approached the group of detectives standing in front of something which looked like a group of belongings scattered across the floor. One of them hurried to Jungkook and started talking to him, handing him a flash drive.

"Another kidnapping happened here." The guy told Jungkook "It's also where Ireum was last seen. Here are some CCTV footages we found."

There were a few people walking around or standing meters away, whispering something or the other. Your eyes scanned the area, falling on the figure of the familiar woman.

"Jungkook" You held your breath, gently tapping his shoulder he turned to you "Look there."

His eyes trailed to where you were looking "Is that her? The woman from the restaurant?"

You nodded and he instantly started to walk in her direction. Her eyes met yours, then to Jungkook who was approaching her. She took one last glance at you before disappearing behind a group of people.

"The shop." Jungkook bolted to his car, opening the door for you "Quick."

He drove there, jumping out of the car as soon as you were in front of it. He rushed inside, and was greeted by a tattooed man. "How can I help you?"

"We're looking for the woman that works her–"

"She's not here." He said simply, then turned to you "You're the girl that was here last time, aren't you?"

You nodded, looking at him with pleading eyes "We really could use her help."

"She doesn't help people anymore." He turned away from both of you, facing one of the doors. His eyes widened, then turned quick to both of you, grabbing you both by the collars and pushing you to the kitchen "Stay here."

"What the hell, man?!" Jungkook was about to burst into a fight if it wasn't for the bell that rang as the door opened. He gasped in shock, grabbing you and pulling under the counter, away from sight.

"What is it?" You whispered and Jungkook clasped his hand against your mouth

"Where is she?" A deep voice boomed, making you shiver "Where the hell is Yeosun?"

"I've told you before." The guy who talked to earlier huffed "I. Don't. Know."

"You gotta be thankful, eh?" The guy with the deep voice probably pushed the first guy back, because there was a sound of things crashing "We helped y'all stay alive."

"And she helped you too." The first guy spat "All y'all every did was make us into criminals. You tortured us."

"Criminals." The guy with the deep voice laughed, and a few other people laughed too "We don't kill with no purpose and you were pretty fine with it."

"We know that she knows." An unfamiliar voice said "She followed Beom-suk on that train. She had to pay the price. Guess she didn't learn."

Their footsteps tapped harshly on the floor and echoed closer. Jungkook's grip on your shoulders tightened and he pulled you closer to him in protection.

Jungkook's phone rang loudly, and he cursed under his breath, fumbling to shut it off.

"What do we have here?" A figure appeared, standing in front of both of you "The heir of Jeon Enterprise and his little girlfriend. How pretty."

"Bet we gon make bucks if we take him." He crouched in front of both of you, pulling Jungkook by the collar.

"Take the girl." Another man came and stood next to him, watching as Jungkook stood in front of you protectively "Seems like he'll pay the world for her."

The guy that was crouching nodded, touching your short hair. He was far stronger than Jungkook, and pushed him off you. The grabbed your arm, flinging you up.

"What the hell?" You picked the guy in his shin and he held it in pain, letting go of you for a mere second, but the other guy grabbed you by your hair, making you freeze.

"That's it." He forced you to walked forward, then turned to the other men "Throw both guys in the freezer. And lock it."

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now