Surprise (Extra Chapter)

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Jungkook jumped up and down, refreshing KakaoTalk every second as he waited for you to text him.

"She's not even here yet man it's still an hour before she BOARDS her flight." Min-syuk said through a mouthful of chicken noodle soup, a recipe he picked up from the Seoklim guy.

"Yeah but she should text me that she arrived at the airport there." He sat on the chair in front of his hyung as he shook excitedly.

A notification popped up and he pressed it with a wide childish grin.

His smile dissipated.

"What is it?" Min-syuk asked as he read the younger boy's expression and snatched the phone from his hand.

He blinked at the phone, then at the boy in front of him with a sympathetic expression on his face. "It's.. fine."

You: I have to delay my flight until after tomorrow

You: An interview came up

You: I'm sorryyy D:

Jungkook exhaled as he took his phone back, replying to you and telling you that it was alright. "I'm just so restless. I'm dying of excitement and nervousness at the same time, hyung."

"Ayy, it'll be fine." Min-syuk pat the younger boy's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "She loves you, bro. It'll all turn out well."

Jungkook hoped so to.

And yet for the next two days he was barely able to sleep, staying up and making up useless scenarios in his head and trying to perfect his plan.

But it wasn't until two days later, when you finally texted him that you've landed in Incheon International Airport that he decided to scratch his thoughts of fancy dinners or yachts.

He had a much simpler yet much more sincere one.

He stood in one of the airport halls where the passengers where filing in to. His eyes fell on you as yours did the same, and he could see your eyes twinkle as a wide smile appeared on your face.

He ran to you, smashing his body against yours and engulfing you in a breath-taking hug. "I missed you, I missed you so muchhhh."

"I miss being able to breathe." You gasped for air as he let you go, watching as he pushed forward the bouqet of Baby Breath he was holding and smile cutely. "Thank you they're so adorable."

"Let's gooo." He jumped grabbing your hand, his other hand holding your luggage.

"I didn't bid my team farewell, though." You started but he was already dragging you away energetically.

You glanced back just in time to see your coworker, Taehyung, jump up with puppy energy and wave at you direction, loudly shouting to you. "GOODBYE, Y/N!!"

Jungkook sat you in his car before placing your luggage in his trunk and taking his place in the driver's seat next to you.

"I'm so tired I want to just sleepp." You yawned as you laid back in your chair, Jun

"Should we spend the night together?" He glanced at you and smiled before looking back to the road after watching you nod happily.

After an exhausting ride, Jungkook stopped his car in front of his apartment building, helping your sleepy form out of the car and grabbing your bags.

After he managed to get pull you into the elevator and get to his apartment, he punched in his password and the door opened with a beep.

You scrambled inside and threw yourself on the couch, all your energy drained and your battery empty.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now