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Despite little things here and there Jungkook's life seemed fine, but how deep was that conclusion?

Chapter 25: Just How Happy Are We Really?

"I swear to god it happened!" Min-syuk's friend argued as you rushed into the hospital "He moved his hand and groaned something then fell back into a comatose."

The doctor turned to you approaching, then sighed while shaking his head. There was no sign of Min-syuk waking up or showing any signs of life other than breathing, but his friend claims he's seen him move.

"His machines even beeped! How the hell can you not hear that? What type of doctors are you?" Min-syuk's friend fumed and shouted. "Aren't there CCTVs here?"

"Unfortunately, there's only one in the hospital room and it wasn't on." An officer came back from checking surveillance, only to receive an astonished sigh from Min-syuk's friend.

"Wow, you guys are just.. Wow." Min-syuk's friend had his hands on his hips as he looked around in disbelief "I'm telling you, it really happened!"

"Terry," The doctor addressed Min-syuk's friend as he patted his shoulder "Go rest. We'll keep an eye on him. You too, y/n, you must've felt a lot while rushing here."

Terry was about to argue, but you grabbed him and pulled him away. When you were both out of sight, he pulled his arm out of your grip so harshly that you tumbled over, almost falling. You sighed and looked at him.

"Just leave it be. Whether it happened or not it doesn't matter. Min-syuk is still in a comatose."

Terry eyed you from head to toe, then scoffed. "Who allowed you to talk comfortably around me? Do I look like I'm younger than you?"

"I apologise, sir." You gritted your teeth and clenched your fists, wanting to punch the guy although you had no choice. Your phone rang, and you excused yourself, walking away and answering it.

"y/n!" Jugyeong shouted over blasting music from the other line, and you had to push the phone away from your ear before you went deaf. "We're having a meeting with the guys to discuss the brand and get started. We have two male models so far, you'll meet them here. I'll text you the address."

And with that, Jugyeong hung up.

"There she is!" Jugyeong clapped his hands as he pushed you forward to the group of unfamiliar faces. "She'll be the designer with Kim Taehyung, as agreed in the contract."

"These are our models, for now." Jugyeong's friend, Woojin, gestured at two boys "Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin."

The Jung boy waved energetically, jumping forward to greet you with his sunshine smile.

"Now that we're done with the people you'll need to know, since I don't think there's a reason to introduce our photographers and assistants because you won't be dealing with them for now, let's get to work. I've had Kim Taehyung design the first few items and we got them made. I sure do hope Jugyeong told you about that already. You will be working with Kim Taehyung in all of our future designs, so I hope you two get comfortable with each other. Now, for the modelling part.." Woojin clicked his tongue, thinking. He was quite the talkative one. "I see you have no experience, but I think your complexion will brighten things up. Plus, that hair will definitely catch attention. We'll need all the help we can get.."

You could write a whole 1000 pages book about everything Woojin talked about, for the better or the worse. Sure, it was exhausting, but with Woojin's English essay length explanations you're guaranteed to work well, since he explains literally everything.

But hey, the pay check was guaranteed to be quite high. No one's complaining.

When Woojin isn't busy talking about his business, he's busy talking about the most embarrassing things in his life, which isn't quite helpful because you end up cracking up in the middle of the photoshoot, even if Woojin was on the other side of the room.

All of Woojin's talking got you thinking about your life and it's twist of events. About Jungkook who always gets tangled up with you and Min-syuk who suddenly appeared after years. Despite little things here and there Jungkook's life seemed fine, but how deep was that conclusion?

"I'll testify." Jungkook finally sighed as he sat in front of Prosecutor Na. He ruffled his hair and looked up at her "I'll do it for real this time. I'll testify against my father."

~Hey Guys!~

I've hit 4K and I swear to god I'm sHoOk
I've gotten so much support lately and my mood instantly rises when I read everyone's comments. So thank you, really.

This chapter feels like a filler (?) but if Jungkook testifies then the story ends so I'm trying to squeeze in as much events as possible and close off all opened ends.
Min-syuk.. well I'm not so sure either. Let's wait and see, shall we? ;)

Just so you know, I'm trying to spoil y'all with a lot of chapters because I'll be going on a hiatus soon. This is painful.

-Eat Well!-

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now