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"Why do you hate me, brother?" Jungkook whined at Min-syuk, putting on his shoes and getting out.

Chapter 44: Arcade Date

You dropped yourself on the couch and Jungkook dropped himself on the carpet in defeat. The past seven days were packed; Min-syuk got discharged, Xiumin was (finally) proven innocent, and here you were with Jungkook who had just finished helping you move into the apartment.

You guys stretched yourselves, trying to rest after 15 hours of getting the things from the house to your apartment, then unpacking and organising everything.

"Hey, you." Min-syuk kicked Jungkook who was sprawled on the floor "Get up. Go get to work. Come on we're almost done."

Jungkook sat up a little, looking at Min-syuk with big brown puppy eyes "Dearest brother-in–"

"Not happening. Get up." Min-syuk dragged Jungkook up as he begged for mercy.

"Leave him." You told Min-syuk from the couch "He's still moving in with his friend. He has to do twice as much as we've done."

"Then why are you still here?" Min-syuk pulled up Jungkook, pushing him in the direction of the door. "Leave already."

"Why do you hate me, brother?" Jungkook whined at Min-syuk, putting on his shoes and getting out.

You looked up from the couch at Min-syuk who was smiling triumphantly. "Don't be too harsh on him."

"It's fun. I've always wanted a younger brother." Min-syuk turned to look at you, only to find you shooting him a million daggers. He turned away, bracing himself before running out of the apartment. "I NEVER SAID LITTLE SISTERS WEREN'T GOOD TOO!!"


Jungkook held your arm as he dragged you to a building, snapping his fingers as soon as you guys entered, then looked at you. "We never got to go on an actual date so here's this. An arcade date!"

"Isn't this the place where people in kdramas play that claw thing then give the chain they won to the girls?" You clapped excitedly, then turned to Jungkook who had a straight face.

"Rule one," He flung out his index finger, leaning in a bit so that he's your height "Claw machines don't work."

You gasped at the fact you already knew, but didn't think they really didn't work. "How do they do it in kdramas?"

"They just take your money. Here's another way we can get something." He dug his hands in his pockets then started walking "We can play a lot of games and get a lot of tokens, then.. See that stall over there?"

You turned to look where he was pointing, only to see a stall full of toys, understanding what he was saying. "We get to exchange tokens for toys?"

Jungkook nodded, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer as you both walked to one of the games. A multiplayer-basketball dunking one.

Jungkook removed his hand from around you, swiping his card at the slot on the machine and making it blare to life. He picked up a basketball and smirked at you, his eyes glinting with competitiveness. "Wanna challenge me?"

You walked forward, picking up a basketball confidentially. "You're on."

You were so going to win.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now