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Your eyes flung open, the familiar feeling of terror rushing through you once again. You sat up from the puddle of sweat that has formed all around you, inhaling and exhaling shaky breaths and trying to steady your heart.

You got up, because you knew you couldn't handle it, and rushed to the downstairs bathroom where you opened the mirror cabinet and pulled out your sleeping pills.

You unscrewed the cap, shaking the bottle until there were three pills in your hand. You placed the lid back on and turned off the bathroom light, stepping out.

You sat on the couch, running fingers through your hair as you looked at the pills. You cursed under your breath, throwing away the extra two that you planned to take and gulping down the other one with water.

You stumbled up the stairs into your room and sat on the floor, your head on the bed. You closed your eyes shut, surrendering to deep sleep, ignoring your growling stomach that begged from mercy.


Jungkook rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, growling at whoever was ringing the doorbell at this time. Sure, it wasn't early and Jungkook overslept, but he still didn't like being woken up from his slumber.

He swung the door open as he yawned, instantly freezing at the man in front of him. "Therapist Jae-beom?"

Both men were sitting at the front table, a cup of water in hand. Silence has devoured the place ever since the therapist's arrival, so he took it upon himself to start a conversation. "So, you live with Y/N?"

Jungkook nodded, eyes focused on the cup in his hand. He stared at his reflection in the water, not wanting to look at his old therapist.

"How have you been?" The man in front of him asked, taking a sip of his drink. "Do you still get therapy?"

Jungkook just sighed back before looking up with a smile on his face, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. "So, Y/N does therapy? I wouldn't have guessed; she looks well off."

"So do you." The therapist smiled back, his deep words stabbing Jungkook even deeper. "As much as we think we do, no one really knows another."

"You came for Y/N." Jungkook stated as he cleared his throat, trying to switch to a new topic. "She's sleeping right now."

"Does she look stressed these days? She hasn't been answering my calls." Therapist Jae-beom asked and Jungkook shook his head, not knowing.

"We don't talk much." Jungkook explained to the therapist.

"Why not? You two are a lot more alike than you think." The therapist got up, hands dug in the pockets of his coat. "I stayed for too long. I should get going."

Jungkook followed his former therapist to the door, watching as he put on his shoes and opened the door, smiling at Jungkook before leaving. "Jeon Jungkook, stay healthy, alright?"

Jungkook nodded and the therapist turned, off on his merry way. Jungkook shut the door, his phone ringing as soon as he did so. He picked it up without a thought and pressed it next to his ear. 

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook, let's hang out." A female voice said enthusiastically as soon as he picked up. "I'm bored as hell."

"Hang out with someone else, Ireum. I'm not in the mood." Jungkook hung up, a bit dazed for some unknown reason. He made his way up the stairs, the therapist's words echoing in his head.

"As much as we think we do, no one really knows another."

"I don't even know myself." Jungkook sighed, entering his room and sitting on his bed. He glanced at his sleeping dog, then at the clock beside his bed. He stood up in exhaustion, knowing he'll be scolded at for being this late to class.

He slipped on his Yonsei University jacket, shivering as it touched his skin. To others, this jacket would be their pride, the logo their trophy, and the warmth of it was their achievement. To others, when they look at this jacket they feel satisfaction and confidence knowing that they worked this hard to get into a SKY University.

To Jungkook, the jacket only felt cold and lifeless. The jacket was his burden and horror, the logo his guilt and despair, his source of anxiety. Everytime he wore it he felt like he couldn't breathe, like he didn't want to breathe, because the light piece of fabric weighed too much on his heart.

But Jungkook always brushed it off. For twenty years of his life, Jungkook brushed it off and now it wasn't different, he told himself.

As he made his way down the steps and to the front door, he repeated the words over and over again, words that he believed by heart.

'It never will be'

Hello, beautiful creature.
Here's another part. What do you think?
Have a great day! Eat your jam and not Jimin because he doesn't have any!
Okay sorry I'm out XD

 What do you think? Have a great day! Eat your jam and not Jimin because he doesn't have any!Okay sorry I'm out XD

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HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now