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Your feet stepped over the porch in front of the house, and you walked forward, but Jungkook's grip on your arm held you back from going any further. "Can't we stay out here for a little while?"

Chapter 23: A Thought For Every Action

Jungkook walked out of the police station, scratching the back of his head. The lampposts and skyscrapers illuminated the dark streets of Seoul and the nighttime buzzed with life as people walked here and there, chatting and partying.

Jungkook walked away from the main streets, to a small neighbourhood and into the convenience store he went to last. "Y/n?"

You looked up from Yuri who was working behind the counter and at Jungkook who just entered. "Oh, Jungkook!"

"That's Jungkook?" Yuri blinked at you, then turned to him "Aren't you that nice guy..?"

"Nice guy." Jungkook mumbled under his breath "Sure whatever you say."

Jungkook walked around the convenience store and grabbed a drink, setting it on the front counter. He paid for the drink and then grabbed you arm, pulling you out with him.

"What are you doing?" You struggled under his grip, trying to break free.

"It's late, let's go home." Jungkook pulled you out of the store "It's dangero–"

"Look at you caring for me." You scoffed, trying to walk back into the convenience store but he stopped you. "Plus, what about Yuri? It's dangerous for her too."

"It's late, her shift should end in half an hour." Jungkook gripped your arm while he walked home so that you don't run away. "I used to work here when I ran away from home before."

You looked at him quizzically "Why did you run away from home?"

Jungkook pressed his lips together, then sighed, and stayed silent the whole walk home. Something about the emptiness in the air made you feel like the answer wasn't one to be told easily.

Your feet stepped over the porch in front of the house, and you walked forward, but Jungkook's grip on your arm held you back from going any further. "Can't we stay out here for a little while?"

You looked back at Jungkook for a while, then nodded. He sat down on porch and you did the same. It was quiet, a peaceful silence. A silence to think about your life and your choices, and of what is to come next.

Jungkook pulled out the drink that he bought, then magically produced another from the plastic bag, even though you were sure he only bought one. He opened it and handed it to you, then opened his and took a large gulp, followed by a sigh.

"What's on your mind?" You asked as you watched him think.

"Just," He paused a little, thinking about what to say next, then he turned to you and pressed his lips together into a smile "Thinking about being true to myself, but I'm not so sure."

"Well, just do what your heart thinks is right, or else you won't be satisfied. Fooling your brain is easy, but when your heart is set on something, it stays that way." You looked at Jungkook and exhaled, tapping your feet against the cement. "And, it doesn't make you weak to ask for help, you know. What I'm saying is.. I'm listening. I'll go in now."

"I'll stay here for a while." Jungkook nodded, smiling, and raised his drink "I'll finish this first."

He watched as you left, then looked down at the cement. He pulled out his phone, looking at Prosecutor Na's number.

"Being true to myself." He sighed, then looked up at your bedroom window, watching as you turned on the light. He stood up, turning off his phone, his mind set on what he'll do first thing tomorrow. He might as well be digging his grave, but he couldn't go on any longer.

Just how far will you listen, y/n? That he wondered.

Will you listen to The Miserable Tales of Jeon Jungkook and to his wicked lies? Will you listen to how he disgraced her mother and claimed his father innocent? Will you listen to his stupid excuses as to why he did so, and still see him the same way you do now?

No, you won't. No one will. You'll look down on him too, just like the girl he used to like.

And he wasn't going to let fate repeat itself, not when he could stop that.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now