100th Day

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You rushed out of your to Jungkook who was standing outside the building after his emergency call, running to him and trying to catch your breath. He seemed too chill for the panicked voice he spoke in on the phone, and he smiled at the sight of you.

"What is it?" You breathed in panick, taking in Jungkook's laid back look. "What's the emergency?"

"Oh, it isn't an emergency." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, the ghost of a mischievous smile on his face. "I knew if I told you to come out you would've fixed your makeup and gotten all dressed, and I didn't want that. Hop on."

He patted his motorcycle, smiling as you blinked at him in shock. You shook your head, spinning on your heels to go back inside, but Jungkook grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him.

"Come on, I just got it painted." He sat on the motorcycle and pulled you towards him by your waist, wrapping his arms around it. "I have something for you."

"This late at night?" You sighed, finally agreeing. "Fine, I'll just get my bag and come quick, alright?"

When you came back, you found Jungkook knitting his eyebrows at you. "You put on some light makeup and oh wait is that lip balm? I wonder why."

"Lip therapy is important." You heard Jungkook snort and you smacked him on his shoulder as you climbed behind him on the motorcycle. "I should've worn something rather than these home shorts."

"It's okay. We're not going anywhere." The engine roared to life and Jungkook slammed the gas then stopped abruptly, making you slam onto his back as he chuckled. "You've never been on a motorcycle before, have you? Hold on tight if you don't want to fall off."

You wrapped your arm around him and he sped off into 'not anywhere'. It wasn't long until Jungkook stopped, and you looked at him in confusion. "This is your apartment.."

"My roommate's out and he's not coming back until tomorrow afternoon." Jungkook climbed off and you both walked inside the building, climbing inside the elevator when it opened. "So we get to celebrate all day."

"Celebrate what?" You looked at Jungkook who didn't answer.

You both got out and you followed Jungkook to the apartment, watching as he typed in the password and opened the door. Walking in, you took off your shoes, Jungkook stopping you. He placed a hand on your eyes. "Don't peak."

After walking forward and taking a few turns, he removed his hand and let you take in his decorated bedroom. On the wall next to the bed were helium balloons with the numbers 1 0 0 and on the bed was a cake with a candle lit.

Jungkook smiled, looking at you. "You forgot, didn't you?"

"Nope." You pinched his cheeks playfully. "I was messing with you."

"Hey,"  Jungkook pushed you playfully a little too hard and you lost balance, trying to grab him for stability but you ended up pulling him with you, landing on the bed as he placed his hands on the bed to hold himself from fully falling on you.

You looked up at him and both of you flushed as he smiled cutely and leaned in, placing a soft kiss on your lips, then spoke softly. "We've been dating for three months and my heart still flutters."

"It's not like a proposal or anything but," He pulled out a little box from his pocket, getting off you so that you can sit up. He opened it, revealing two silver rings. "They're couple rings."

"Let's never take them off." He placed yours on your finger then put on his, smiling as he admired it then looked up at you, leaning in and whispering. "They're also promise rings."

~Hey Guys~

I procrastinated writing this special chapter so much. I'm so sorry.
I had plans to write this ever since I wrote the last chapter so when people were like make a special chapter I was like it's coming, bro. It's coming.

Also, I started a Kim Taehyung ff called Hideout. Would be nice if you take a minute to check it out.
Again, thank you so much for all the support. I love you <3 사랑해요

+Until Next Time. Stay Hydrated+

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