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"Nothing, it's just.." His smile got even wider. "Are you jealous?"

Chapter 46: Really Mistaken

When your eyes fluttered open, the first thing you did in the morning was check your phone. Jungkook, who promised to text when he got home, hasn't texted yet, and it was 9 in the morning.

You got up, brushing your hair backwards. You stood up, but your vision was so blurry you fell back down again. Your body was shivering, and you wrapped yourself in your blanket to feel warmer. Why did you feel so drowsy and lethargic?

So you sat back down, shutting your eyes and trying to rest. It must just be because you woke up too quickly so you got dizzy, right?

You must've fallen asleep, because the next time your eyes opened, the sun didn't seem as strong as it was in the morning. You glanced at your alarm clock. 3 pm?

You looked at the hand that was pressed against your forehead, you're eyes looking to see its owner. Jungkook was crouching in front of your bed, smiling at you as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and placed a cold wet cloth on your forehead.

You didn't utter a word, partially because you couldn't and partially because you didn't want to seem like you're interrogating him, but in the end you were curious.

"Where were you?" You looked at Jungkook straight in the eyes, watching as he replaced your already warm piece of cloth with a cold one.

"I was busy working." Jungkook looked at up at you, meeting your eyes, followed by a cute smile. "Are you upset? You look really cu–"

"Working doing what?" You shot at him.

Jungkook, who was taken back, blinked, trying to answer. "I w-was working on my father's case."

You sat up, removing the piece of cloth from your head. "Then why didn't you text me when you got home?"

"Because I never did." Jungkook had a ghost smile on his face as he admired your cuteness. "I stayed up all night working. I accidentally fell asleep on the desk at 5 in the morning."

"And the woman's voice?" You raised an eyebrow at him, hoping that you misheard.

"You mean the Prosecutor?" Jungkook clicked his fingers. "You did call while her and I were talking."

You slumped back down, Jungkook placing another piece of cloth on your forehead, still smiling widely. You turned to his stupid grin, shooting daggers at him. "What's up with your face?"

"Nothing, it's just.." His smile got even wider. "Are you jealous?"

"No, I'm upset." You pushed his arm, turning away from him. Isn't the prosecutor like.. 30?

"I'm sorry. I just have a lot to do before actually opening the case." He walked around the bed, sitting on the other side to face you. "If I don't get this right, my father could get the upper hand and throw me in jail."

Jungkook laid down next you, pulling you to his chest and shutting his eyes. He spoke again, this time softer and more of a whisper. "I'm sorry."

You looked up at him, sitting peacefully there, when the worry of world was all on him. He continued whispering, hugging you closely. "I'm sorry for having such a complicated life."

"Jungkook, it's not your fau–" You started but he pulled you closer, your voice getting muffled by his chest. You felt a little embarrassed for actually thinking something happened or that he was ignoring you.

"You should take your medicine." Jungkook reached over, grabbing a bottle of liquid and handing it to you. "Come on, you should get better."


"So you have the first trial tomorrow?" You bit through your delicious pancakes, looking at Jungkook.

"Yeah, it won't just end tomorrow, though." Jungkook had his chin on his hand that was held up on the table by his elbow. "It should take three weeks maximum."

"Hey," Jungkook sat up, his eyes twinkling. "How about we both start watching a kdrama together?"

You nodded in agreement, standing up to put your plate in the sink. Jungkook looked at the dish, waving his hand dismissively. "My roommate is on dish washing duty this month."

He pulled your arm, sitting on the couch and pulled you next to him. He opened his laptop, starting the first episode of a kdrama. He stopped for a second, turning to you with serious eyes. "My roommate will be gone the whole day."

"That means...

"WE CAN BLAST THE SOUND AS LOUD AS WE WANT!" Jungkook turned up the volume, grabbing some snacks and starting the episode. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest as you both watched.

Jungkook didn't lie when you asked him where he was the other day. But, truth be told,

He did hide just a little something for you.

~Hey Guys~

Okay but there's only one chapter left in this book.
I'm so sad >~< I really enjoyed writing this.
I was planning on make an iKON Jay FF but I'm still not sure.

Anyway, that's all for now.

«Stay Healthy»

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now