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"Out of all the colleges in Seoul, you had to come HERE?"

Chapter 17: Bucket List

[2 Months After Min-syuk's Incident]

"Yuri!" You called out, rushing over to the Japanese exchange student that just arrived recently "Are you going to the cafeteria?"

Yuri nodded, then abruptly pulled out her phone, showing you some pictures "His name is Jugyeong."

"He's handsome." You nodded at Yuri as her eyes glistened and a smile appeared on her face. "Why are you giving me that look? It's scary."

"Well," Yuri twirled her shirt laces, still smiling "I might've accidentally showed you off to him. And I also might've accidentally set you both up on a blind date."

"You. did. wHAT?" You asked for the hundredth time that day. Literally. Twenty times during lunch, fifty in between lectures, and ten through text when she was in the bathroom.

You can't do math.

"Woah." A voice gasped as it stopped in its tracks in front of you, making you bump into a hard chest.

It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to tell you who the "Your bleached hair is still rougher than my grandma's mop." belonged to.

I looked up at Bandana Guy, Min Yoongi, and sighed "It's you."

"Yoongi-ah!" A familiar voice called from behind and you turned around, jaw dropping.

He stopped too and looked at you, from top to bottom. Yoongi must've sensed something because he asked "Is she the 'uncultured swine' you mentioned?"

"Uncultured swi—"

"Out of all the colleges in Seoul, you had to come HERE?" Jungkook sighed, running fingers into his hair "And how did you even get to Yonsei University with that peanut brain of yours?"

"Excuse you." You scoffed, looking away.

"Yes, excuse me while I get out of here. I wouldn't want to be caught dead with you." He grabbed his friend "Let's go, Yoongi."

"Woah." You said in shock as they walked away. You straightened your clothes and pulled out a paper from your pocket.

"Lotte World?" You said to yourself "I guess Min-syuk's really never been to an amusement park."

"Hey, Yuri." You turned to her, watching as she eyed Jungkook walking away. She'd been cursing him out all this time without you realising it. "Want to go to Lotte World this weekend?"

"Who the hell are you?" The girl stepped forward, arms crossed with her friend at her side.

"I'd ask you the same thing. You were the one who brought me into the girls' bathroom in the first place."

"So you're the girl who lives with Jungkookie."

You cringed and gagged at the name. The girl scoffed at you and stepped closer, pushing back. She produced a can of soda from her bag and shook it, opening it in your face. When the soda has all splattered in your face, she dumped the rest of the drink on top of your head.

"Yah!" You shouted, pushing the can out of her hand and it slammed onto the floor with a clink.

"Oh no, did your clothes get dirty? Here let me help." She grabbed water inside her cupped palms from the sink, throwing it on you.

"It looks like we made it worse." Her friend chuckled innocently "We'll leave it to you."

They waved as they were about to leave but the bathroom door opened, and Jungkook threw a bag at you."Wear those. Ireum, come with me."

He grabbed the first girl's wrist, pulling her out. He seemed serious, even more than the slippers incident when you first moved in.

The second girl watched as they left, then turned to you. "Just.. Stay away, then she won't do this."

You looked at the sweater and pants Jungkook handed you. Thankfully, there was a girls' shower room nearby. You walked to there and took a shower, two questions floating in your head.

Who was that girl?

And why was Jungkook being nice?

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now