32.2K 940 181

=Hey Guys=

I'm back!!

We hit 100k like asdfghjk thank you so much for all the support and tips you guys have given me! (Lol who was here when I had 200 reads? XD)

Let's just get started.

@lilytheunimermaid asked:
For Jungkookie
Why do you look like a bunny is there a bunny in your bloodline orrrrrr

*So Hot - Blackpink starts playing* I don't think only bunnies are in his bloodline.

To Author:

@KC_Types wrote:
How many chapters do you think this book will have left?

@jihoonieslife wrote something similar:
How many chapters do you think left?

Okay so honestly, this book was never supposed to pass the 25th chapter or something but I was like his is too short and I was gaining some audience so I didn't just want to dump the whole thing down the drain.
And this, ladies and gentlemen is why Jeon Jungkook got stabbed.
(Maybe 10 more?)

@onceblinkbuddykpop wrote:
How old are you and when did you start to stan bts?

I can't tell you how old I am, but I have the mentality of an eleven year old XD
I started stanning bts at the BS&T era (?)

@JoJoheart123 wrote:
Will we get an actual soft moment between kook and ireum? Like perhaps a kiss 😔👉👈 XD apart from that I really love this story kdshkdsh

First off, Thank you~
Second, I'm not sure if you didn't mean to write Ireum or you really meant it but nope nope nope no Jungkook x Ireum moments noooppppee

@PUTTYfalls and @Rania_Shafa asked:
Is ireum a good or a bad person?
Is Ireum a bij?

Well, honestly, Ireum was highly inspired by a character in a kdrama I've watched before, but Ireum somehow turned to be the exact opposite and the exact same. The character was actually betrayed, or that's how she saw it, by a friend (though this friend did it to save her) and was labelled as the 'troublemaker' and her life went off road from there (she started smoking, bullying, etc.) but deep down in her heart she was still nice. Ireum here, instead of being betrayed, was actually cared for too much, and therefore does not know how to handle things on her own. Even if she has good intentions, her actions are bad, because she can't express herself. Whether you want to consider her a good or bad person, that's up to you.

@61995vminkook wrote:
Will there be mature scenes between Jungkook and y/n or atleast a kiss?

There won't be any mature scenes, but will there be a kiss? Who knows :)

To y'all who said wink wonk;
*Jin's English accent* do u know holy water? :)

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