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"So," Jungkook looked down at the papers in his hands then up at Prosecutor Na "You're saying that if I do help with the case then Ireum's mother will adopt me? Did she agree to this?"

Prosecutor Na nodded, as she leaned forward. "They would both gladly accept you into their families, but you have to tell us all you know."

"Why would I need to be adopted when I have my father?" Jungkook gathered the papers together and pushed them towards Prosecutor Na "Like I said, I've told you everything I knew ten years ago."

"I'll leave you to think, then." Prosecutor Na got up, grabbing the papers and her bag. "And you'll need a guardian, because by the end of this investigation your father would be able to hold custody over you from jail."

It was a threat, an indirect one. I know something's wrong, was probably what went on through her mind. I'll find it out no matter what.

Jungkook shrugged and got up too, leaving the office to go outside. His feet brushed against the grass and his hands hung by his sides as he sighed, his lips pressed together. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know whether to tell the truth or not.

Jungkook walked over to a bench and sat down, plugging in his earphones and turning on an ever-so-familiar soft tune. He closed his eyes, allowing the memories to finally rush back, in their full cursed glories.

[Ten Years Ago]

Eleven year old Jeon Jungkook hopped forward, back from the academy that he despised so much. His mother told him he wasn't forced to go, but his father insisted as always, so he didn't have a choice.

Jungkook cracked the front door open a little bit, enough to slip his tiny figure inside and shut the door behind him. He stopped in front of the living room window, watching as the rain drops he loved so much tapped against the glass.

He turned to go to his room, suddenly noticing the song that was playing in the living room through the radio. The tune was soft and soothing and he laid down on the couch, shutting his eyes to block out the world and listen.

For some reason, the song seemed heavy to him. It sounded soothing now, but he felt as if a huge weight sat on his chest, like he should be here now. Like he shouldn't be listening to this tune.

"It's nice, isn't it?" A pair of footsteps- no, two pairs- entered the living room, clicking against the wooden floor.

"Jeon Jungkook," His mother breathed, trying so hard to mask the shakiness in her voice.

"I told you not to~" His father wobbled, drunk from all the soju bottles he's gulped down. He held something black in his hands, and Jungkook had to squint to make out the shape of the gun.

"Yah, Jeon!" Jungkook's mother argued, trying to get to his father "You're not making any sense you're drunk. Let me get you to bed."

"But I'm really upset, righttt nowwww." Jungkook's father whined like a child, waving the gun around.

He had his finger in front of the trigger as he emphasised how upset he was and, as he was certain he got his point across, attempted to pull his finger away, only his state of mind was right, and ended up pulling the trigger.

The pretty rain droplets on the window sill seemed to turn to red blood drops instead, the once soothing music now was making his ears bleed. Jungkook just watched, nothing more, paralysed from the horrific scene he saw in front of him. A ear-piercing sound, like the one when the telephone line gets cut off fillies Jungkook's ears.

Jungkook tried to breathe but he couldn't, like someone hand placed an anvil over his little chest, stopping it from going up and down. He wobbled and his vision blurred, losing his balance. The last thin he remembers was his head slamming to the harsh floor.

~Hey Guys!~

We're almost at 1k reads?? Ohhh boyyy
It was only a few days ago when I was like "wow I'm almost at 500." (No exaggeration it was literally during chapter 19 that was posted no longer than five days ago.)

I just want to thank you all for all this support. Don't hesitate to leave a comment XD

{I don't exactly like this chapter, I apologise.}

I feel like I'm dragging this, but one last thing. I'm going to do a Q&A, so drop a comment about ANYTHING you want to ask, whether it's about the author (but not too personal) or a character in the book.

~Sleep Well~

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