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You stuck a heat pack at the bottom of both feet, sighing at the pain your high heels have caused you. They're hell; high hells. You exhaled in frusturation at the events that occured that day, your confidence evaporating by the second.

You burying your face in your hands, recalling the events that had just occured.

"What the hell is this, Y/N? It's only been a year since you've last modelled, and this is how your state is?"

"It's only been a year since you've last modelled, and you've already gained so much fat? You ate a lot, didn't you? Do you have no self control?"

"Can you model looking like this?"

You got up to your feet and, heels in hand, you began to walk a few feet home on your stockings. You eventually walked up the front porch after what felt like hours, and bumped into a tall figure. You looked up your eyes widening at the person standing in front of you.

"CEO.." You choked, trying to bow while hiding the embarrassment that had just flooded you.

"Ah, Y/N," Two dimples poked the CEO's cheeks at the sight of you, his eyes trailing to your heels that you held in one hand. "Are you just coming off work?"

"Y-yeah." You stuttered, quietly praying that you weren't going to lose your job for this. "It's busy these days.."

The CEO hummed in response and you started to slowly walk in the direction of the front door, before his voice stopped you again. "Do you live here?"

You nodded as you tried to keep a smile on as you stepped in front of the door, about to type the password in.

"Doesn't Jungkook live here, though?"

You froze, turning to your CEO and blinking rapidly. Just as you thought things couldn't get worse, they did.

1- Your CEO knows you live with a guy now.

2- Jungkook won't let this slide.

You contemplated whether sleeping out here in the cold was better than running into Jeon Jungkook, or whether quitting your job right there was a better idea. 

Or whether you were just exaggerating.

The CEO said nothing of it, though, but instead smiled and outstretched his hand to you, handing you a bag. "Can you give this to him? Tell hi-"

Just then the front door swung open, revealing Jeon Jungkook in a sweatshirt and pants. He snatched the gift bag from your hand and turned to your CEO. "Don't get her into things not worth her time, Namjoon."

"I wouldn't be like this if you didn't ignore me all the time." Your CEO sighed, running fingers through his hair. "I'm trying to make things better. I said I was sorry. It's because you're still lingering, isn't it?"

"You weren't sorry then, so why now?" Jungkook threw the bag on the floor in front of Namjoon. "I don't care about what happened, Namjoon. I'm not lingering over anyone, you're just someone I never want to associate with anymore, seeing how low you are."

You blinked in both surprise and confusion at what was going down in front of you, Jungkook turning to you and ushering you inside. 

"Give it up, Namjoon, it's been years." Finally Jungkook got you both inside and slammed the door shut, making you jump. "If he asks you about me just avoid it, or tell him we aren't on good terms since you can't ignore your CEO."

Jungkook sighed and walked inside as you placed your heels on the rack and put on your shoes.

 "Jeon Jungkook." You called after him and he looked back, mid-way up the stairs. "Do you have a scale I can weigh myself on? I don't have one."

"Like there's anything in you to weigh." He mumbled and scoffed before gesturing at his room. "It's inside, I'll get it."

After he handed you the scale and got inside his room, you placed it on the floor, waiting for it to light up. When it did, you stood on it, numbers appearing on it.

48 KG

You sighed in frusturation and picked it up, knocking on Jungkook's door and getting inside. You placed it on the floor, letting out a little thank you and left.

"Tsh," Jungkook was sitting on his bed, eyes on the numbers on the scale. "She's already underweight yet she's frowning like that."

You sat on your bed, burying yourself under the covers trying to stop your face from getting hot and prevent tears from falling. 

Goddamn beauty standards. They always get to you.

Your phone suddenly rang, 'DAD' showing up on the caller's ID. Maybe he felt it too, that you needed support.

"Dad." That was all you said, trying to keep your voice as natural as possible. 

"Hey, did your mother call?" Your father asked and you sighed at the mention of her, not answering. "Not sure what that was, but you know she's coming for a visit like she does every year."

"Right." Your eyes dropped, like things couldn't get worse. "That again."

"Actually, that's not why I called." Your father's voice seemed both excited and nervous at the same time, and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why there's was a sudden change in the atmosphere. "Actually, she's not coming alone. Someone's coming with her too."

"Who?" You waited for your father to speak, and he took too long to do so.

"He demanded to stay with you while he stays here in Korea." Your father continued, trying to build up anticipation or something of that sort.

"Dad, just say it. This isn't a movie." You swung your feet in boredom. "Who could it be anyway? Not like there's anyon-"

You paused, and your father sensed what you meant too. You chuckled nervously, brushing off that thought.

"Yeah, it is." Your father finally said, referring to your thoughts. "Min-syuk is coming."

"Min-syuk?" Though you suspected this, you still felt shocked. "Min-syuk? Like the same Min-syuk? Like my.."

You gulped, trying to spit out the words that seemed to be stuck in your throat. "My.. Brother?"

Emotions swarmed through you, so many of them in so little time. You didn't know what they were, but you knew one thing for sure;

Happiness wasn't one of them.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now