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"Ah," The young landlord's warm smile was replaced by a wider one "Are you both going to live here?"

Chapter 43: Rent

You welcomed the landlord inside, putting a glass of water on the table incase she needed any. She smiled warmly at you, then looked around, finally breaking the ice. "I have to raise the rent."

You froze, knowing you probably didn't have enough money to pay it off. "H-How much?"

"₩4,000,000 (Approx. $4,000)" She said, pressing her lips together "That's ₩2,000,000 each. Plus, there was supposed to be a third person."

"B-but.." You stuttered, your eyes as big as saucers "Can't you just.. lower it? Just a bit?"

"I'm sorry. I myself need the money." The landlord shook her head apologetically "On top of that, I got a warrant for not making this a gender-segregated share house."

You dropped down on the couch, exhaling sadly. The landlord said goodbye and left, leaving you in your own ball of sadness. Jungkook was at Ireum's funeral (which only family where invited to), so it was only you. You sat there for a few minutes, then pulled out your laptop.

If you didn't start searching for apartments now, you're going to end up homeless.

After half an hour of searching, you dropped your shoulders in frustration and sighed, picking up your phone and calling Yuri, who is a residential genius, if that was even a thing.

"Yuri, I need a house~" You whined as soon as she picked up.

"Your wish is my command. Tell me allll the details." Yuri clicked her tongue.

"Low rent." You said simply, earning a sigh from Yuri.

"There's cheap rent and cardboard-thin walls and believe me, you do not want that." Yuri was silent for a bit, probably thinking "Do you want a share house?"

"No," You laid on your couch, stretching yourself "I'm tired of those."

"Then I'll send you a location." Yuri finally said and you sat up "It's a pretty good place. You should meet the landlord there."


You bowed to the nice landlord after you've had a tour around the apartment and you've been told all the information you needed to know. The landlord reached out his hand, and you took it with both of yours, bowing a little.

"Are you taking it?" He asked, smiling warmly.

"Well," You checked your phone. Jungkook should be out of Ireum's funeral now. "I need to check with my boyfriend."

"Ah," The young landlord's warm smile was replaced by a wider one "Are you both going to live here?"

You would've said no, but seeing how young (and male) the landlord was, despite being nice there were no guarantees. "Maybe."

"I see." He handed you a business card "Call me when you're ready to rent the apartment."

You nodded and turned to the elevator, going down to the ground floor. As soon as the elevator dinged open, your phone rang and Jungkook's name popped up.

"Where are you?" Jungkook asked on the other side.

"Running errands." You were about to step out of the apartment building but then you realised it was raining heavily. You had no umbrella, and taxis were too far away to call. "It's raining?"

It came out more as a sigh than a question, and Jungkook sensed it too. "Where are you? I'll pick you up."

No longer than ten minutes later, Jungkook arrives with an umbrella in hand and opened the building door for you.

"You walked here?" You walked out the door and eyed Jungkook who didn't seem to have any source of transportation other than his feet.

"Yes." He nodded cheerfully, looking up at his umbrella, then at you "Are your feet tired?"

"No, not really." You started walking with Jungkook as your shoes clicked against the curb.

"What are you doing here, though?" Jungkook behind looked at the building you were just in.

"Well," You sighed, looking down "The landlord raised the rent and she said she got a warrant for not making the share house gender-segregated. I found this place, but I want to tell you first."

"Oh, yeah she told me." Jungkook nodded in understanding "I'm moving out too."

"Why?" You started but then instantly stopped.

"It's okay. You're probably wondering why I would move out if I can pay the rent, right? Well, this won't go on for much longer." He stopped walking looking at the rain. "Remember Inhad to testify against my father? Once that happens and I win the case, my dad's company will be taken down, and I won't have enough money to pay a rent this expensive."

"I'll have barely enough money to get myself by, and it'll be harder for me to by you the things you want." Jungkook turned to you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, then looking deep into your eyes with big brown orbs. "y/n.. Will you like the broke Jungkook as much as the rich Jungkook?

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now