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The place was dark and the events happened ever so quickly, leaving the memories nothing but a fuzz of movement in Jungkook's mind.

Chapter 26: Unplanned Events

The sound of wheels thudded as Jungkook dragged his bag down the stairs, peering at his phone. He looked up and sighed. The sun was setting and the time he was to testify was approaching quickly.

"Jungkook." You took off your shoes and put your keys down, then stopped in front of Jungkook "Oh?"

"It's just.." Jungkook scratched the back of his head, lookin down at his bag then up at you "I have some issues to resolve, so I'll be staying over at my friend's."

"Sure." You hummed as you walked up to your room.

"Wow, not even a goodbye." Jungkook stared in disbelief then turned to the door, walking away.

"You don't have to testify if you don't want to." Xiumin put his pen down and looked up from his school work at Jungkook, who just sighed in response. Xiumin got up, putting his glasses down "I'll go get some beer."

"I won't drink until I testify." Jungkook ran fingers through his hair. Staying at Xiumin's was a good idea, since he was the only one, other than Prosecutor Na, who knew about his plans to confess, and he was planning on keeping it that way until the trial.

"I'm getting it for myself." Xiumin grabbed his coat and put on his shoes "Don't drink if you don't want to."

Jungkook tapped his fingers against the table and put his head down. He looked at his watch that told him there were 45 minutes until his appointment with Prosecutor Na. He put his head down with a thump, nervousness crawling over him.

The lights shut off, which grabbed Jungkook's attention. He looked up in confusion, then out the window. A blackout. The whole neighbourhood was dark and all the power was out. The door beeped as someone entered in the passcode, followed by the familiar beep of the door opening.

On regular occasions, the light above the door way would light up, but with the power all out, whoever stood in the doorway went unrecognised. There was an eerie silence and a heavy atmosphere as Jungkook stared at the figure, trying to make out the unfamiliar person's face. It was not Xiumun, not at all.

The figure approached, his shoes clicking against the wooden floor slowly and calmly, like death  mocking you as it walks towards you. Jungkook stepped back, his eyes catching the piece of metal that reflected the moonlight.

Jungkook grabbed the chair closest to him, fling it at the figure, which rolled on the ground avoiding it. The place was dark and the events happened ever so quickly, leaving the memories nothing but a fuzz of movement in Jungkook's mind.

The other thing that broke the silence was the ear deafening sound of objects breaking as the two bodies clashed against each other and onto the floor, sometimes it was Jungkook's body that got thrown against the once standing table, and sometimes it was the mysterious figure's as Jungkook pushed him against the wall.

But in the end, that person had an advantage. A cursed dagger present only to fulfill a cursed purpose.

In the end, it did its job, the cold metal finding its way just below Jungkook's ribs as hot blood and grunts erupted. Jungkook's hand flailed, trying to pull down the mask of the person that stood above him twisting the dagger and pushing it deeper. Whatever his intention was, he was set on it.

"Testify my foot." The figure snorted, stepping out of the puddle of dark liquid as Jungkook finally stopped struggling. He kicked Jungkook, who groaned in pain as he lost consciousness and fell into a dark abyss.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now