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You forced your legs down the stairs after you had just put on your outfit and was about to go to work. You sat down at the bottom of the stairs, patting the fluffy puppy that has wrapped itself around your foot.

"I never caught your name." You looked down at his white fur then back up. "I have to get going now. Keep the house clean, okay?"

You got up, throwing you bag over one shoulder and slipping on your sneakers. You had to model today, not manage the shop, so there was no need for fancy clothing and high heels. You opened the door and got out, instantly stopping in front of the tall figure wearing a blazer. You looked up at him, watching as two dimples poked his cheeks.

"CEO," You bowed, pushing your hair out of your face. "Jungkook's already gone off to college."

"I wasn't waiting for Jungkook." He walked over to his Bugatti La Voiture Noire, the car that costs around $12 Million, and opened the door to the passenger seat. "Here. You have modelling today. The studio is far so let me drive you there."

"I'm fine, though." You mumbled as you took a seat in his car and he shut the door. You watched as he walked around the car and sat in the driver's seat next to you. 

"So, about Jungkook." Namjoon started and you let out an internal sigh, not wanting to be involved in whatever drama those two boys had. "Did he say anything that day I came? After you both got inside?"

"No, he didn't." You slumped in you seat a little, listening to your CEO letting out a small oh.

"So, he didn't tell you anything?" He tried again, leaving you confused as to what exactly he wanted to hear.

"Although I don't know him very well, Jeon Jungkook doesn't seem like a person who would useless spill personal issues, especially not to someone he doesn't know well."

"Yeah, Jeon Jungkook is a pain in the butt. He always was." Your CEO stated and you pressed your lips into a thin line. This was not what you meant at all. The car stopped at a red light and Namjoon turned to you. "You know, nothing big even happened for him to be this rude to me. You know what happened? The gi-"

Your phone starting ringing, cutting Namjoon off his speech. You thanked the heavens for saving you from the story you didn't want to hear and looked at the caller's ID, sighing at the name that appeared. 

"Yeah?" You spoke to the person on the other line. The light turned green and Namjoon started driving again.

"I wanted to tell you but you were sleeping," Jungkook spoke, panting hard like someone who had just climbed a flight of stairs or ran a marathon. "Your therapist dropped by this morning because you didn't call him or come visit. He told me to tell you to drop by his office today. He didn't tell me what you were in for so don't worry."

"Thanks for passing on the message, Jeon Jungkook." You spoke, Namjoon turning to you at the mention of the younger boy's name. You hung up the phone at the same time your CEO parked the car. "We're here already."

"Was that Jungkook?"

"Yeah. I'll go in already." You hurriedly took off the seat belt and opened the door, stepping out. "Thanks for the ride, CEO."

You rushed inside the building in hopes of avoiding your CEO because you didn't want to do anything with him or Jeon Jungkook. Your CEO never associated with you or any other employee before this, so for him to suddenly want to tell you everything and give you rides, it felt suspicious. 

"Y/N, what are you think so deeply about?" Your thoughts were cut off by your manager as she approached you. "Get inside and get changed already."


"CEO," You smiled at the man in front of you as you both sat inside a coffee shop and sipped your drinks. "What did you call me out here for?"

"We're outside of work now. Just call me Namjoon." He smiled and two dimples poked his cheeks, his words making you choke on your drink. He held up a little box, pushing it in your direction. "If this is too much to ask, I apologise, but can you give it to Jungkook?"

So that's why.

"Maybe you should give it to him yourself. Jungkook and I aren't exactly on the best terms." You tried to push the question away, but Namjoon wasn't having any of it.

"I'm sure it's not that bad." He pushed the box into your hand and got up, grabbing his things. "Just do this for me."

You watched as he paid for the drinks and left, leaving you dumbfounded. You looked down at the box in your hands and sighed. Namjoon was gone and you couldn't just throw it away.

I guess you'll have to give it to Jeon Jungkook.

What do you guys think of this story?
I know it's not great, I apologise.

Here's Namjoon to make up for it

Here's Namjoon to make up for it

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HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now