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"Yeah, that's fine. I'll go out with him." You said and Jungkook, who hasn't been able to catch any of the conversation, gasped as you hung up.

Chapter 24: Is this jealousy?

The sun was setting and the cold air caressed your skin as you followed Yuri into the police station, your boots clicking against the concrete floor. Yuri walked to the high school student sitting with a guy, about five years older than him, in front of a police officer.

"Woah, you got into a fight on the streets again? What's your mother going to say? That I don't take care of you well?" Yuri kicked his chair in frustration and pushed her hair back "Just go back to Japan already, I can't deal with you."

"Noona," The guy smiled at Yuri, blinking innocently "You look so pretty today."

"Shut up, that won't work. I'm telling your mother about this either way." He gasped and clung onto her arm, pleading. "Stop it."

"Why should I even bother? You never listen to me anyways." He slumped in his seat and sighed, looking away from her "This jerk right here started it, but you won't believe that."

"If only you didn't stick your nose in my business–"

"Both of you, enough." The officer slammed his hand on the table, making them both jump "If you don't come to an agreement, I'll have to put you both in the holding cell."

You looked around, then spotted a familiar fuzzy figure sitting in front of an investigator's desk. You approached him, hitting his shoulder playfully "Jeon Jungkook. Fancy seeing you here."

He looked up at you and snorted, then got up "I was just finishing. Let's go grab something to eat."

"Are you paying?" You asked suspiciously and he thought about it, then shrugged his shoulders. "Hey! I'm not paying."

"Then should we steal?" He plastered an evil grin on his face, but you just gave him an unamused expression. "Finnneee, I'll buy, although you're the one who's practically begging me to eat with yo–"

"Then Yuri should come too–"

"NO! It should just be you and.. I mean I can't afford to pay for more than two people." Jungkook scratched the back of his head and blinked at you. "So, are we going?"

"I know it's been a few months but are you planning to find your father?" Jungkook asked as you both licked your ice creams after a tasty meal.

"I heard he died." You licked your lips "I also heard that he and my mother and fath– you know what I mean. I heard they all attended middle school together, and that he was a part of a drug dealing gang or something. He died from heroine addiction."

"Is that so?" Jungkook hummed, licking his ice cream. He rested his arm on the bench behind you. "You know, y/n–"

You phone rang, cutting Jungkook off.

"Y/n-ah!" Jugyeong said cheerfully from the other end "I have a question."

"Yeah, Jugyeong. What's up?" You replied and Jungkook pushed himself closer, pressing his ear against the phone to hear.

"Have you decided on the fashion line thing? Designer and model?"

"Is the company up for internship?" You laughed, scooping away from Jungkook, who only moved closer "Probably not, right?"

"The company is still non-existent as of now." Jugyeong sighed "But the papers are being filled, that's why we need you."

"Alright I'm up for it. Shouldn't I meet your friend?" You asked, trying to push Jungkook away but you couldn't.

"He suggested that you both meet at the mall this weekend for introduction. I've already told him what I know about you. What do you think?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll go out with him." You said and Jungkook, who hasn't been able to catch any of the conversation, gasped as you hung up.

"You're going out with a guy??" Jungkook blinked at you, a hand over his mouth "I don't agree to this. I'm coming along, too. Don't think wrong I'm only doing this so that you don't end up freaking the guy away with your fa–"

"Sure, whatever, Jeon Jungkook. Just stay awa–" Upon saying that, you realised just how close Jungkook's face was to yours. Without thinking, you kicked him in the ribs and he fell off the bench, groaning in pain. "I didn't mean that!... Hold on a second."

You stood up and flipped your hair and sticking your tongue out. "I apologise, you freaked me out with your face."

"Yah!" Jungkook jumped up despite the pain, chasing after you.

On the other side, the sunshine and life poured out of Min-syuk's body and his machines beeped, calling out for help for anyone to hear.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now