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Your eyes fling open to the throbbing pain coming from your empty stomach, begging for forgiveness. It was still dark outside, and you assumed it was somewhere around midnight.

Heavy water drops collided with the roof of the building, making a splattering sound. Your head spun to the window, watching as the droplets of rain covered your window, blurring out the soaked streets.

You sat up in your bed, rubbing the sleep out of your half open eyes. Your hands flipped the sheets aside as your feet found their place in your slippers. You walked to the door, almost losing your balance in the process.

As you made your way down the stairs of the dark house, you miscalculated the amount of steps you've taken. Thinking the last step was nonexistent, you place your foot forward, lose balance, and face plant onto the carpeted floor. Your roll so that you lie on your back, groaning in pain and rubbing your face.

Your eyes glimpsed a figure from the corner of your eyes, and you jumped, twisting your head in it's direction. It was crouching down, it's back against the wall between the couch.

Jungkook was hugging a bunny plush the size of his chest tightly, and as you approached closer, he seemed to flinch. You stood in front of him, watching as his brown orbs stared into nothingness, clouded with thoughts. They seemed to hold in tears and emotions.


"Jungkook-ah." You placed a hand on his shoulder and he jumped away, scooting to the side until his back hit the couch. "Are you okay?"

His grip on the plush tightened and his knuckled went white. Time seemed to drag on, from seconds to minutes, your stomach's pleads growing louder and more painful. Suddenly, he treated his eyes away from the spot that they've been staring at for ever so long, and looked up at you.

"What are you talking about?" He scoffed after five minutes, now fully conscious of what's going on. "I'm fine."

He stood up, but as soon as his eyes travelled to the rain drops on the window, he dropped back down, his legs too heavy to carry him.

You followed his eyes to the droplets and snorted "You're scared of rain?"

His eyes sent daggers at you, the hurt boy now completely gone. He sneered, about to rip you to pieces if it wasn't for your phone that started ringing ever so loudly. He got up, hurrying upstairs and closing his door.

What's it with him?

You covered your eyes with your hand as you held the lit up screen up, and answered, slowly pressing the phone against your ear, waiting for the voice to speak.


"Who's this?" You asked, your voice low and husky.

"Guess." You can hear the caller grinning from the other side. Whatta creep.

Then you heard coughs, multiple ones in a second. Your eyes widened as the guy from the other side spoke again, this time in a mumble. "Damn coughs, blowing my cover."

"M-Min.. Mi..." There was a lump in your throat that you couldn't swallow.

"Yes, yes. I'm Mmin Mi, and you?" He mocked, then burst laughing at his own joke. He must've been laughing so hard because he eventually broke out into coughs, his laughs still audible through them.

"It's not funny." You mumbled, ashamed "When did you even arrive?"

"Not long ago. I'll be dropping by tomorrow. I'm staying at a friend's now." He paused a little, sighing "y/n?"

You hummed in response, not really having the energy to do other than that. Your stomach was flipping from hunger and nerveousness, and your forehead was sweating.

"I'm sorry." His voice was low and sincere, showing that he really meant it. It wasn't his fault, you both knew that, and knowing he took the blame for it sent a ping of guilt through you. "For everything. I really am."

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now