Promotion (Extra Chapter)

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Jungkook smoothed out the creases of his suit as he waited, leaning against a wall.

"Mr. Jeon, you may come in." The officer said and Jungkook stepped inside the almost empty room, taking a seat at the table in front of his handcuffed father. "You have five minutes."

"How have you been? You've been in jail for only one year now. Is it hard?" Jungkook smiled politely as he looked at his father, who didn't answer. Jungkook straightened himself, exhaling as he spoke and keeping his soft smile evidence on his face. "Jeon Entreprise is doing well. I've built it up again, all from scratch. No corruption, just pure and hardworking shareholders."

There was no hatred in his voice, no sarcasm or spitefulness. Jungkook waited for his father to speak, whether to curse him or to pat him on the back, anything.

"I hoped for a congratulations, or for you to find pride in me. I guess I expected to much." Jungkook sighed in disappointment as he looked at his silent father, who didn't have any expession on his face. "It's been a year but I guess things will never change."

Jungkook glanced at his clock and stood up, the officer sitting at the corner of the room doing the same. Jungkook looked at his father for one last time. "I have to go meet my girlfriend now. Stay healthy, father."

With that, Jungkook turned around and left, the officer taking Jungkook's father back to his cell.


"I swear to God I'm going to murder you the second I see you, Jeon Jungkook." You spoke, glancing at your watch before placing your head down on the table and exhaling.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Jungkook apologised as he entered the coffee shop, panting hard. He walked up to you who was sending him death glares, attempting to give you a greeting kiss but you leaned away. He huffed at you, pretending to be upset. "What was that for?"

"Making me wait." You pointed at the chair on the other side of the small table. "Take a seat already."

"No." He pouted like a kid, leaning in quickly and pecking your lips before you had the chance to oppose. He laughed mischievously as he sat down.

"Jungkook are you 23 or 6? Please enlighten me." You scoffed jokingly as he lifted an eyebrow at you.

"Let's see if I kiss like a 23 year old, shall we?" He stood up and you pulled him back into his seat.

"Anyway, how was the visit?" You asked as you slid your index finger across the table. "Did you father say anything?"

Jungkook replied with a sigh, resting his face on his left hand, eyes casted down. He looked back up at you before speaking. "Hey, let's walk outside since we're not even ordering."

Jungkook stood up and you did the same, walking in front of him as you both left the coffee shop. Jungkook took his place next to you, intertwining his hand with yours.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook." You turned to him, suddenly remembering something. "I forgot to tell you; I have promotion in Hong Kong starting next week. Since Taehyung and I are the designers we have to go. CEO Woojin and a few of models will go too."

"Oh.. A promotion." Jungkook's tone seemed to drop, and he quickly replaced it with a smile when he saw you noticed. "How long will you be there for?"

"Two weeks." You started nudging Jungkook and teasing him, squishing his cheeks as you pouted. "Will you be able to live without me until then, my little Kookie?"

Jungkook scoffed, dumbfounded by your sudden attack. "You were saying I'm the 6 year old?"

"Just leave." You pushed him away jokingly before looking at your watch. "I have to go now. One of the boy groups I style have a photoshoot in half an hour. I'll text you, okay?"

"Ever since you starting working as a stylist you've been working with too many boy groups." Jungkook mumbled as he watched your figure leave. "Maybe they're just three but still. You should be styling me instead."


"I'm telling you she has a promotion in Hong Kong, hyung." Jungkook spoke through a mouthful of ramen, staring at the older boy in front of him.

"Finish what's in your mouth first then speak." Min-syuk ordered Jungkook as the boy chewed. "And so what? You can just do it when she comes back."

"That's two weeks!" Jungkook exclaimed after swolling, looking at Min-syuk with impatience. "I can't wait two weeks!"

"Trust me, it'll be great. She comes back from Hong Kong tired and missing you, and you just stay by her side, spend the night over maybe and watch some movies and make it all romantic-y and then BAM!" Min-syuk snapped his fingers at Jungkook. "Next morning you do it."

Jungkook exhaled, stuffing food in his mouth. His hyung was right; when she comes back would be the best time to do it. The thought of waited felt too much, but what comes after it would make up for it all.

Hey, guys!
Extra chapter because you really wanted it whoop
But as you can tell, this isn't the final one. There's still one (?) more :)
How was it, though?
I know not much happened it was just kind of like a life update ig

Anyway, I love you!♥
Stay healthy ^-^

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