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People saw it too, and the place exploded into shouts and screams as those who were lucky enough filed out of the segment. The train swung unnaturally, making people grip to the thing closest to them. A few train segments in front, you heard a voice shout "Train segment 9 is on fire!"

Chapter 36: Could It Be?

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook.. I mean babe." You said, holding your rumbling stomach "Your girlfriend is hungry."

"Yah, y/n." Jungkook's husky voice said from the other line "Why are you calling me and saying this at 3 in the morning?"

"You said I'm your girlfriend, didn't you? Deal with the consequen–" Your phone's battery died before you completed your sentence. You said and dropped your hand that was pressed against your ear. You held your starving stomach and curled yourself in the duvet as your eyelids got heavier.

"Yah, y/n." Jungkook's soft voice called as he tried to shake you awake, touching your new short hair, but it wasn't him who woke up you up; it was the smell of–

"Chicken!" Your eyes flung open and you sat up quickly, bumping your forehead into Jungkook's, who was leaning over as he tried to shake you awake.

He rubbed the sore spot and pulled away the plastic bag as you tried to snatch it. "Say please."

"Making your girlfriend wait? You're not a very good boyfriend." You snatched the bag and pulled out the trays, licking your lips.

"Here." Jungkook picked up a piece of chicken with his chopsticks and held it in front of your mouth "Look at my boyfriend-material side."

"Boyfrien–" You scoffed as you felt your cheeks burn red. You snatched the chopsticks out of his hands and devoured the chicken. "So good~"

Jungkook's phone lit up, showing that he got a text. He put down the chopsticks he picked up only a second earlier and pressed on the message to view it as you happily chewed on the chicken in your mouth.

You gulped down the rest of the chicken in the tray, as it was a very small serving. You watched as Jungkook produced one of the extra pillows from your closet"What are you doing?"

"The buses aren't operating at this time, and I'm exhausted from walking all the way here from the hospital" Jungkook threw the tray and plastic bag off your bed. "Get to bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

"You're welcome to go sleep on the couch outside, or even better; the hospital." You watched as he placed a pillow and some covers on the floor, then wrapped himself in them, ignoring you. You sighed, wrapping yourself with your duvet and closing your eyes shut.

Jungkook's phone rang and he answered it quickly. "Yeah, Li Soo?"

Your eyes opened a little bit and you watched as Jungkook left the room "Did you do what I told you to?"

You couldn't hear anymore, as Jungkook was too far away. You sighed and cover your face with the duvet. Why were you so bothered by it? You kicked the covers off, you didn't like your childish attitude. You closed your eyes shut, ignoring the outside world.

The last thing you remember is the sound of soft footsteps entering the room, followed by the fuzz of your covers touching your body. "Sleep well."

The fuzz of your blanket brushed against your body as you tried to fall asleep, but the bumpy train ride was not helping.

Train ride?

Your eyes opened. Where were you? Your eyes were instantly pulled to man standing up, walking to one of the bathrooms. You didn't know why, but something about him just made you stare. Maybe it was how he looked; how his little moustache and skinny figure made him look like he was a part of a Chinese gang that just came out of a movie. He opened the bathroom door, scanning his surroundings first. His eyes fell on you, and you instantly looked away, then heard the lock of the bathroom click.

After exactly ten seconds, the click of the lock opening was heard again and he came out. "The bathroom is clogged. I'll use the one in the next segment."

He walked away, crossing into the other segment. The woman that sat behind you stood up too, glancing suspiciously at the bathroom, then following the man. Something made you stand up and walk to the bathroom, opening the door. Oddly enough, the handle was hot. Your eyes widened at the line of fire that started to spread rapidly into the train.

People saw it too, and the place exploded into shouts and screams as those who were lucky enough filed out of the segment. The train swung unnaturally, making people grip to the thing closest to them. A few train segments in front, you heard a voice shout "Train segment 9 is on fire!"

The last thing you heard was a sound coming from the bathroom.

Beep beep beep.

And with that, a bomb exploded, making the train plunge into the river, knocking you unconscious.

Your eyes flung open and you sat up, your body covered in a puddle of sweat. The sunlight lit your room and you looked at Jungkook who slept peacefully on the floor. What the hell did you just see?

The woman you just saw looked oddly familiar, like.. the woman from the Chinese restaurant?

Could it be?

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now