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"It just feels like every time I feel like I belong somewhere, I get abandoned."

Chapter Fourteen: Who Are You?

Min-syuk dizzily made his way to his room, his skin pale from all the turning in your father's office chair. His body couldn't handle it and he was trying his best to not fall off the chair. You followed after him, injecting him like you've been told and putting his air mask on his face.

When he was comfortably in bed and his sleeping liquid has been injected into the airflow of his breathing machine, you slipped out of the room, turning off the lights on your way out.

It was late at night, and Jungkook was most likely asleep. You slumped down on the couch and clutched your phone, staring at the photo you took earlier that day.

[A Few Hours Ago]

Your footsteps were quick as you made your way to the file's room, unlocking it with the key you father gave you. You looked through the files with the last name Chae, trying to find the name your father has told you about.

You quickly took out the file, and were about to leave if something hadn't caught your eye.

"Oh?" You picked up the file with your name on it. You flipped it open and looked through the papers in there, gasps escaping your mouth in amazement.

You were about to shut it open, but you stopped, looking at your birth certificate. You took it out of the file to get a closer look, confusion clouding your eyes.

Your phone rang and you picked up.

"Y/N where are you?" Your father asked from the other side.

You assured him and hung up, quickly taking a photo of your birth certificate before putting your file back in its place before rushing out to your father's office.

[End Of Flashback]

You hugged your knees as you stared down at your phone, millions of emotions smarting through you. You would've probably been paralysed for a few hours if it wasn't for Jungkook's voice dragging you back to Earth.

"Huh? Did you say something?" You looked up at Jungkook and your eyes travelled to his hands. They're bleeding again.

"Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked sitting next to you on the couch and stretching.

"Everything's fine." You eyes the scam near his lips, wondering what on earth happened. Did he face-butt the mirror too?

"You know, " Jungkook said, rubbing his hands "You know about my fear of rain, although I denied it. You can tell me if you want, I won't tell."

"I just keep wondering.." You sighed, not knowing if you should tell him. "Your birth certificate is supposed to have your biological parents' names, right?"

"Yeah?" He said, leaning forward, ready to listen.

"It's just.." You sighed again, "Who am I? It just feels like every time I feel like I belong somewhere, I get abandoned."

He nodded, not quite getting where you were at, but he was trying.

"Who's child am I, Jungkook? Why is it that I don't see my father's name on my birth certificate?"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Your eyes flung open to Min-syuk hitting Jungkook with his pillow as Jungkook jumped off the couch from beside you and ran for his life.

"Come back here!" Min-syuk chased after him.

"It's really not what it looks like!" Jungkook defended, trying to pull the pillow out of Min-syuk's grip but failed and received five pillow-smacks to the head. "Hyunggg.."

"What are they doing?" You mumbled, stretching from your place on the couch, until the smell of fresh soap hit you and you stopped. "Wait..."

You feel off the couch and face planted on the floor "I SLEPT NEXT TO JEON JUNGKOOK?"

"Oh Lord please have mercy of my soul." You mumbled as you wiped yourself off Jungkook germs, rushing to the bathroom to take a shower while Min-syuk continued to smack Jungkook on the head.

When you got out of the shower, Jungkook was panting on the staircase and Min-syuk eyed him as he slurped his cereal, mumbling something about manners and a shame to all men. He got up and put his cereal bowl in the sink, then turned to you.

"I'll be hanging out with my friends today, so you don't have to deal with me." He put on his coat and walked out the door.

Who's child is he, then?

"Just so you know," Jungkook cut off you train of thought "I had no intention of sleeping next to you, your talk as so boring that I feel asleep, so don't even wish for it to happen again, because it isn't going to."

And with that, he crossed his arms and went to his room, making you scoff.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now