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"Oh, right." You hopped next to Jungkook on the bed and stared at him with big eyes "I think the high schooler's brother works here."

Chapter 33: Angry Over Little Things

Your feet walked their way into Min-syuk's hospital room. You were greeted by a man not much older than you, with a nurses's badge stitched on the left side of his nurses' coat. His features were familiar, yet you've never seen him before.

"You've.. I've never seen you before." You thought as he smiled.

"I'm taking the other nurse's place today." He bowed, his smile bright, but something about him felt dull, an expression you've seen on Jeon Jungkook so many times.

He looked at Min-syuk, then back at you. "He's gaining consciousness, but if we don't act quick he won't stay for long. We're going to give him a heart transplant, but we can't do it while he's still in a coma."

You nodded as he continued "We need your agreement, that's all."

He pushed some papers in front of you that you had to sign. When you were done, he gathered them and smiled at you placing a hand on his heart. "I'll make sure everything goes well and that your brother lives in a healthy condition. You have my trust."

"That's a lot to be taking care of." You smiled back and bowed.

"I've lost a brother before. I know how hand it is." He bowed too and your expression dropped, suddenly realising why he looked familiar "It's the least I can do."

"How was he like?" You asked, your head wrapping around everything Jungkook told you the other day.

"Joyful. Bubbly." He sighed, his smile not leaving his face "He left so soon."

You wanted to ask more, but you knew it wasn't the best idea. You nodded and the nurse bowed, then left.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!" You burst into Jungkook's hotel room as he fumbled with his phone, hiding it. He looked at his phone and cursed under his breath as a notification popped up in your phone. You looked at Yuri's text, then back at Jungkook who jumped up from his hospital bed.

"Look, I can explain." Jungkook paced around the room as he ran fingers through his hair "I was NOT stalking your Instagram. I just happened to somehow come across one of your photos in your feed and then I stopped to look at it because like that's what people do when they see someone so ugly- Look, my point is, that notification you got that I liked your picture? Yeah, it was an accident–"

"Jungkook." You said as he stopped and looked at you "I don't have my Instagram notifications on."

"Oh." Jungkook blinked and pointed at your phone "So that wasn't.."

"No, it wasn't."

"Oh." Jungkook said again as he dropped on his bed "Well, forget I ever said anything. What did you barge in here for?"

"Oh, right." You hopped next to Jungkook on the bed and stared at him with big eyes "I think the high schooler's brother works here."

"Say wHAT?" Jungkook sat up instantly as you nodded at him.

"He looks so much like him, but he looks so nice." You told Jungkook as you recalled meeting with him, how his face looked dull even with his bright smile. Jungkook had that too sometimes, when he thought of his mother. Like he knows she's dead, but his heart is still unsettled. "He even told me he lost a brother. He said he was so young."

"I'm sure it's him, although I haven't seen him." Jungkook thought, then jumped up and grabbed his coat.

"Where are you going?" You stopped him before he left the room

"I'm going to tell him I remember. Let me go ." Jungkook tried to shake you off, but you held on.

"Are you out of your mind?" You gripped him tighter, pulling him back "You're dealing with a potential murderer!"

"WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?" Jungkook pushed you off him harshly and you tumbled backwards "He can't kill me, he won't kill me because he doesn't want to kill me. He would've already done it, but he didn't. His brother died, and he's not someone who would like the same to happen to others." He ran fingers through his hair and exhaled harshly "Look, I don't know what to do. I know his intentions and I don't want to turn him in. Sure, he wants me to suffer, but I agree with him on that. You can't even possibly understand the amount of guilt I'm drowning in right now."

"Jeon Jungkook." You stepped towards him as he threw on his shoes "I'm trying to help–"

"Then stay away." Jungkook flung the door open "That'll help a lot."

And with that, he slammed the door and left

+Hey Guys+

I'm not back yet but like I said, I'm trying to upload.
Sorry for making you wait for so long >~<

Thank you for the amount of support you've been giving me. I love each and everyone of you.
That's it for now.

= Stay Hydrated =

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now