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"Don't talk about other men around me." He stared at you with big, serious eyes.

Chapter 42: Girlfriend

After Ireum was rushed to the hospital, pronounced dead and Jungkook being told to head back
home to rest before the funeral tomorrow, all Jungkook ever did was lock himself in his room  and pretend he's okay because, quote, it's not manly to cry.

(Says Jeon Jungkook thirty minutes after he had just finished bawling his eyes out)

"Yah, Jungkook..It's not unmanly to cry" You knocked on his door softly, trying to let him allow you to comfort him, then started mumbling to yourself "It's a bit insensitive not to, actually."

"I'm fine." Jungkook said through muted (but still clearly audible) sniffs.

"No, you're not." You put your head on the door as you say on the carpet outside of his room door "You used to comfort me too, remember? Can't I do the same?"


You sighed and mumbled at Jungkook who will stay Jungkook through the dark and light "That's one way to treat your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Jungkook scoffed at your sentence "You never even bothered to tell me how you felt."

"Fine, here." You sat up, though Jungkook couldn't see you. "I really like you, Jeon Jungkook. I want you to take care of me and I want to take care of you. I want us to go through the best and worst together. I want to stay by your side. I want you to be my boyfriend."

"Half of that exaggerated."

"Wow, you really.." You scoffed in disbelief and stood up "I'll just go then. Goodbye, Jeon Jungkook."

"No, wait.." Jungkook's door opened a little bit, and his head peeked out. His nose was red and his eyes were puffy. No doubt he's been crying. "Do you really mean that?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" You watched as Jungkook blinked at you for five seconds, then opened his door a bit more, reaching out and pulling you in.

He closed the door and sat next to you, your backs against the door. He turned to you, tears welling up in his eyes "I can't believe she's dead.. Just like that."

You hugged him and he buried his face in your clothes, soaking them with tears. You patted his back, staring at his mess of a room. Geureum came too, snuggling in between both of you and trying to comfort him.

You rested your head on the door and shut your eyes as Jungkook's sobs quieted down. You brushed his hair with your fingers as you both sat in silence, only the sound of your breaths audible.

"You should slee–" You started, but then you looked down at Jungkook who was already sound asleep in your arms. You wrapped your arms around him tighter, about to pull him up so that he can sleep peacefully on the bed.

Until you actually tried.

"Oh my god." You dropped to the ground in exhaustion after pulling Jungkook one centimetre off the floor.

You stood up, set on trying again, but then fell on him as soon as you tried to pick him up. You were getting up, until Jungkook grabbed your arm, stopping you. A smirk appeared on his face and he opened his eyes.

"You really made me fall for you." His hot smirk disappeared, replaced by a dorky grin "Get it? Because you dropped m–"

You pushed yourself off him and sat on the floor "You remind me of this guy named Seokjin I know."

"Why–" He stopped, his eyes glinting with jealousy "I don't like this."

"Don't like what?" You watched as he rubbed his back, which he fell on when you dropped him, and plopped himself on the bed, not uttering a word. "Are you ignoring me?"

"Yes." He said simply, turning away from you.

"Why?" You stood up, turning around the bed so that he faced you "Tell me."

"Don't talk about other men around me." He stared at you with big, serious eyes.

"Are you jealous?" You scoffed, walking away.

"Yes." Jungkook grabbed your arm, pulling you next to him on the bed. He shut his eyes, probably to show you that his words are final. "Can't I be jealous for my girlfriend?"

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