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Another pair of steps started to echo from behind her. She halted in her steps, listening; the footsteps stopped. Her steps quickened as she watched the other person's shadow disappear, but her panicked self did not stop.

Chapter 37: Dangers of the Night

Your eyes fluttered open to the sunlight crawling in through your bed room window. You turned to the covers that were curled up into a mess on the floor, Jungkook nowhere in sight. You stood up, picked up the covers as his smell erupted from them. Just how much does he sweat?

A paper fell out of the covers and you picked it up. There, in Jungkook's partially readable handwriting, was
Going out for business work!
                         (With Li Soo)
I'm not cheating I swear! >~<

Your Lovely Boyfriend,

You sighed and threw the note in the trash can. This boy was unbearable. You folded the covers and put away the pillow, pulling out your phone. You were going to dial Jungkook but you stopped yourself. What exactly did you want from him?

You put your phone down, and it started ringing as soon as you did so. You picked up the call. "Yah, Jungkook! Who told you I wanted to hear your voice?"

"I didn't even speak yet!" Jungkook defended himself "Anyways, there's this ice cream truck here. What flavour do you like?"

"It'll melt by the time you come here." You rolled your eyes, but Jungkook couldn't see "Speaking of here, why did you sleep here last nigh–"

"Who said I was coming?" Jungkook cut you off and you took a moment to let that sink "The driver says he's been waiting for half an hour and I ain't paying no extra, so get dressed."

"Yah, Jeon Jungk–" You fumed and he hung up.

The more you thought about the dream you had the day before, the more your head spun and made you dizzy. Was it just a dream? Maybe it was just the result of Jungkook's story and the people you've seen put together into a product of your mind's imagination. Yet, it felt so real.

You passed a girl and a guy that were walking side by side, but you couldn't see their face very well because of the darkness of the streets. Your thoughts drifted to Jungkook. He better stay in the hospital tonight. You turned a corner, then entered the convenience store that Yuri works in.

"Yah, Ireum." The guy you passed earlier stopped at the bus stop as the bus approached "I can't just leave. Don't you know about the dangers of the night?"

"Whoa, boy. I can take care of myself." She flicked the side of his head lightly "Just go home already."

"You're the one who asked to hang out with me." He mumbled with his cute German accent as the bus stopped and he climbed on, opening the window next to his seat. He clicked his tongue and pointed a finger gun at her. "Later, Ireum."

"Yeah.." She waved as the bus drove off, and turned to walk home. Her phone rang and she answered it. "Yeah, mom. I'm on my way home. I'll hang up."

She dug her phone in her pocket and sighed, dropping her shoulders. She pressed her lips together as she listened to the sound of her shoes clicking against the cement, which echoed in the quiet neighbourhood.

Another pair of steps started to echo from behind her. She halted in her steps, listening; the footsteps stopped. Her steps quickened as she watched the other person's shadow disappear, but her panicked self did not stop.

She sped through the alley only a few feet away from where she lives, but her heart still felt unsettled. A pair of hands clasped against her mouth and pulled her aside as she struggled in its binds. She felt a cold piece of metal hit the back of her head, sending throbbing pain through her as she lost consciousness.

+Hey Guys+

I'll talk about JJK+ Y/N'S "date" in the next chapter  >v<
But I can't be all nice, can I? +-+

« Sleep Well »

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