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You exhaled in frustration, trying not to blow up. The fake smile plastered across your face goes unnoticed, everyone absorbed in their conversation. You were thankful for the time being, not being the centre of attention, but was mad as to why you were forced to come here if they were just going to ignore you.

You might've spoken too soon, because a woman's voice cut off your train of thoughts, and all the eyes turned to you. "How's it going with you, Kim Y/N? Following in your mothers footsteps, I hope?"

Kim Y/N. She even addressed you with your mother's last name right to your face.

You can see your mother holding her breath and gritting her teeth from the corner of your eyes. You smiled wider at the woman you've never seen before, trying not to curl your mouth in disgust "Of course. Mother is such a beautiful and intelligent woman. She's a role model to all."

Everyone around the table was silent for a second, then turn their heads and mumbled to each other "She's spectacular! I wish she was my daughter."

You scoffed and rolled you eyes. No thank you. Your mother placed a hand on you shoulder and you flinched as she worked on quieting down the group. She then looked at you and plastered a forced smile "She gets it from her mother."

Pffffffttttt riggghhhhttttt

Your phone lit up, followed by a loud ring. As soon as your eyes landed on the caller ID, they widened, your hands instantly grabbing the phone from on top of the table and hiding it. "Excuse me."

You hurried to the girls' bathroom and picked up.

"Dad," You huffed, placing a hand over your racing heart "You almost got me killed."

"You can't even say I'm your father anymore, can you?" He sighed, understanding exactly what I meant. "How's everything? Are you not dead yet?"

You laughed "Apparently I'm following in mother's footsteps now, dad.. We're still up for that ice cream, right?"


Your phone got snatched out of your sweaty palms and your mother pressed the phone against her ear. "She has plans this evening."

You gaped in shock as she hung up the phone and turned to you, grabbing you by the wrist. You pulled back, rubbing your wrist from her tight grip. "You've done enough, alright."

Her voice boomed across the bathroom. She was fuming and you didn't like one bit of it. Her eyes were piercing through you, telling you that you did something wrong.

"What did I do?" Your voice came out shaky and low, your head down.

"WhAt DiD i Do?" She mimicked scoffing like a teenager with her hands crossed in front of her chest "Heck, y/n, what did you not do? Do you realise how much trouble I would've been in back there?"

"I didn't do anythi–"

"That's the problem. What kind of plastered lies were you throwing out there? Were you trying to play some low trick? If you're going to do your job then do it right. I don't want fake smiles, I want convincing ones."

Really? You felt like flipping the sink and burning this place down. That was it? That's why she was mad?

Your hands reached out and snatched your phone back, flinging your bag over your shoulder. "I'll leave first. You don't need anything from me after this."

"I didn't give you permission to do so." Her voice stopped you and you turned around.

"You know I'm under the sole custody of my father. I don't take orders from you unless it's for work."

"Go ahead, y/n, mask that stupid fear of yours all you want. You're still the same person that was dropping to their knees and agreeing to my contract with no hesitation." She snorted and walked forward, placing a finger on your heart "We both know deep down you're still scared I'd ruin your father's life. We both know of the power I possess. Don't stand against me, y/n, unless you want to see your father crumble to dust."

"Ice cream?" Your dad suggested from the other end as you lay on the bed, still in the evening's clothes "Americans eat it when they're depressed."

"I'm not depressed, dad." You exhaled as you lay back, your head hitting the pillow with a thump "I'm just tired."

"Min-syuk is still your brother, y/n. It isn't his fault that he got sick at such a young age and had to leave."

You pressed your lips into a line, knowing dad was right "Is he cured yet?"

Your dad just sighed, his end of the line silent. You both knew what that meant, no matter how much you wanted to deny it. He paused for a little while then started speaking again. "Go to sleep, y/n. You have a long day tomorrow. Be sure to come drop by with Min-syuk when he comes, alright?"

"Yes, dad." You hung up, and got under the covers.

Your hand tightened around your stomach in pain. You haven't eaten in a few days. You couldn't knowing that Min-syuk was coming back. Nervousness was drowning you.

It's been years, Min-syuk, so why now?

Ay yo!
I've been away for far too long, and it's probably going to happen again.
Plus, this is a pre-written chapter and here I am posting it two months later.
Hope you're doing well!

Hope you're doing well!

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HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now