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"y/n-ah," Min-syuk smiled widely "We'll always be family, right?"

Chapter Fifteen: Second Chance At Youth

You stopped managing the store's overwhelming online orders and cracked your fingers, stretching back. It was a long and deadly process and at this rate, your eyes are gonna need 5 inch glasses to be able to see the keyboard itself.

Your phone rang and you picked it up.

"y/n." Min-syuk said immediately "Meet me at near the PC Bang, the one that's closest to the house. Be quick."

"What is it?" You buried your cold hands in your pockets as you approached Min-syuk "It's getting late why didn't you come home yet?"

"I was busy, so save the argument. I have something for you."

Min-syuk's freezing fingers pulled out an envelope from the pocket of his jacket and he handed it to you, ushering for you to open it.

"What's this?" You ripped the envelope open, and read the card inside.

A young adult stripped of her youth and pressured to work.
So unfair > ~ <
Here, y/n. This isn't something you can turn down.

Next to the little note was money. A lot of it.

"Dad and I worked our living daylights off for this, so don't even think about turning us down." He could see your questioning face and continued "Use it to go back to college. You dropped out when you still have a lot ahead of you. You don't have to worry about money, we'll deal with anything. For now, just deal with the stress of university, just like everyone else."

You nodded, though you felt like a burden. Min-syuk let out a sigh of relief, suddenly started pulling you back home.

"y/n-ah," Min-syuk smiled widely and you hummed in response "We'll always be family, right?"

You stopped in your tracks and looked at Min-syuk walking ahead. You didn't know how much he knew, but at the time it didn't really matter much. Min-syuk came back because he said he wanted to do what he couldn't before. Min-syuk saw how unwelcomed you felt when you were both children and he got all the attention. He knew that deep down in your heart, you felt a lot more unwell than he ever was.

Min-syuk was older and smarter, and he must've known it too. He must've known that giving up his biological father for his little sister to feel loved was the right choice.

You wanted to thank him, because for that moment, your heart felt unsettled. You weren't uncomfortable with him around, but the air seemed to thicken by the second. Your body weakened and you couldn't move as your head started to feel dizzy.

The universe seemed to be against you, for in that split second, as realisation of Min-syuk's actions and the feeling of fear both washed over you, Min-syuk dropped to the ground.

His heart struggled to keep itself beating, his chest barely rising from the lack of breaths.

Why is it that we realise our feelings too late?


+ Hey Guys! +

Sorry this chapter was kind of depressing.
It's been a while since I did an author's note, and I'm not really sure if this is going to cheer you up in this situation.

Did you guys enjoy?
(Oh yes you definitely enjoyed reading someone struggling to stay alive)

Anyways, see you soon!

Min-syuk, Hwaiting!

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now