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You stepped into the lit house and locked the door behind you, placing your shoes on the rack and ignoring your phone that's been ringing for five minutes now. You stepped inside, leaving your bag on the table and heading to the bathroom to wash your face.

You stepped out the bathroom when you were done, grabbing your handbag and pulling out the box your CEO has given you earlier that day. You climbed up the stairs, stopping in your tracks when your stepped on what seemed like a glass shard. You looked down on the floor, wondering why there were pieces of shattered glass everywhere.

You continued to walk up the stairs and approach Jungkook's room, your feet in the protection of your slippers. You were confused to say the least. You pushed his room door open a little bit and peeked in, your eyes falling on his mess of a room. Everything seemed to have been turned upside down, from tables flung aside to books thrown on the ground to clothes on top of the air conditioner. 

Your eyes trailed to Jungkook who was silent on his bed, the top half of his body laying upside down the edge. His hair was wet as though he had just bathed, and he looked asleep, or dead judging by the stillness of his body.

"Don't come in." His weak and husky voice spoke as you attempted to step further inside. "Just leave."

You looked at his hand that covered his eyes, at the half-dried blood that covered his bleeding knuckles and the fresh cuts all over his arm. 

"What happened here?" You looked down at the empty mirror frame that was on the floor in confusion, it probably being the source of all that glass. Did Jeon Jungkook punch his mirror? "Is everything alright?"

"Does everything look like it's alright?" He spat as red blotches appeared on his cheeks in anger. He paused for a little before calming down, sitting up and looking at you. "I'll clean it up, all of it but just... stay out, please."

You stepped out of the room, glass shards crushing under your weight as you did so. You walked inside your room, pulling out the first aid box you snuck out of your father's office a few months ago, pulling out a few things and walking back to Jungkook's room.

You threw the disinfectant and gauze at him, making him jump in surprise. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as you walked closer, placing Namjoon's box on the bed. "This was from your friend."

You walked back out, shutting his room door behind you and pulling out your phone that started ringing again. You looked at the caller's ID, MOTHER showing up on the screen. You exhaled in frustration as you sat on your desk, answering the call hile you did so.

"Why the hel-" She started but stopped instantly and inhaled deeply, making you assume that she was with someone important. "Why didn't you pick up my calls?"

"I didn't have time to do so. I was busy." Your voice was monotonous as you spoke. "Why? Did something important come up?"

"There's a formal gathering dinner tomorrow at Min Steakhouse with a couple of other famous chairwomen. Wear something presentable when you come."

"Formal gathering or extra-rich women gossip session?" You scoffed and you could hear your mother hold her breath. "How about you start showing Min-syuk off instead since he's your favorite child? Or are you like this because he doesn't even have the stamina to be an heir?"

"Y/N." Your name came out as a growl, as if she was warning you. "Just do as you're told for once."

With that note, she hung up the phone. You sighed, grabbing the calendar that was on your desk. You circled around tomorrow's date, writing Min Steakhouse next to it. You grabbed your phone again and dialed your father's number.

"Apparently I have a formal gathering tomorrow at Min Steakhouse." You spoke as soon as he picked up, no giving him time to process what you were saying. "I don't even like steak."

"Min Steakhouse?" Your father asked, still caught up on that. "Min Yoongi has a family steakhouse?"

"There are probably like a million Mins in this country." You got up from your desk and sat on your bed. "Back to tomorrow, though."

"Yeah, let me take you out for ice cream if you make it out alive, alright?" Your father suggested and you nodded, then realized he couldn't see you.

"Yeah, let's do that." You yawned, snuggling into the warmth of your covers. "Dad, why would someone punch a mirror?"

"I'm no therapist but I would assume they're angry. I punch my office desk when I'm angry sometimes." He burst out laughing at his sudden confession, making you chuckle. "I have to close up the office now since it's getting late. Get some sleep, okay?"

"Yeah.. Oh yeah, I should text my therapist. I'll go now." You hung up in a hurry, remembering Jungkook's message about going to see your therapist. You texted Therapist Jae-beom, announcing that you'll drop by tomorrow to talk things over.

You put your phone down on the table and curled yourself up in your covers, your head facing the door. The door was suddenly pushed open a little bit, enough for a bandaged hand to reach in and drop the disinfectant and gauze on the floor. A small smile appeared on your face as the hand disappeared back out, and you reached out to the switch next to your bed, shutting off your room light.

Heyy how's it going?
How's this chapter going, my dear 0 reads?
The only reason I'm continuing this story is because I want to, but at this rate idk if I'll have the motivation to finish it.
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HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now