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Your fingers fumbled with each other as you watched Min-syuk gulp down the bowl of ramyun you made him. He placed it on the table with an accidental thud, smiling.

"I haven't eaten since I took the train to here." He explained, then started counting on his fingers. "Which was like... fourteen hours ago?"

You nodded, your lips pressed together. "You're staying here for how long?"

"A week? Two? A month maybe?" He tapped his chin "Is a month too much? Can I stay for a month?"

Min-syuk sounded like a child, despite being three years older than you. You stared at his tall build, his ginger-dyed hair brushed up, at the red bandana that he wrapped around his neck, and at how he nibbled on his lower lip out of nervousness, giving you sympathetic looks.

"Do whatever." You grabbed the bowl, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"Where am I going to sleep? You said there was an extra room but it was empty, right?" Min-syuk followed behind.

"You can sleep in my room. The nurse said you need a bed, right?" You turned to him and he nodded, his head low. "I'll be sleeping on the couch."

Min-syuk mumbled an apology, following behind as you walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. You stopped abruptly and he bumped into you, confusion clouding his face.

"Stop following me. Watch a movie or something." You waved at him dismissively and he slapped your hand away.

"Yah, I might've lived in America my whole life but I still know how our culture works." He crossed his arms, his lips pressed into a thin line "Don't talk to me casually. Say please. And, it's oppa to you."

You gritted your teeth and watched as he made his way down the stairs, plopping himself on the couch and grabbing his laptop. You turned, walked to your room, and shut the door.

"What are you doing?" You walked downstairs at the smell of food, only to find Min-syuk in the kitchen.

"Dinner?" He said, clearly focuses on what he's doing.

"Why?" You raised a questioning eyebrow, peering over his shoulder.

"Isn't that what brothers do?" His question took you by shock and you folded your arms, shaking your head and making your way out of the kitchen.

"I wouldn't know."

You could hear Min-syuk hold his breath, not uttering a word. He swallowed, clearly shown by his bobbing Adam's apple. His lips was pressed together in a line as he continued to cook. He wanted to cry, but wasn't going to.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He eventually called out "I can't eat all this or I'll suffocate to death."

You stopped in your tracks, your stomach grumbling. A whole week without food. Your body was complaining. Min-syuk poured the food into dishes and set them upon the table, looking at you.

You stepped forward, step by step, until you sat down in front of him.

You had no appetite, despite how much your stomach begged and screamed. Are you traumatised because of your brother's return?

"I'll do better." Min-syuk's was low, like a kid that just got scolded by his parents. "I wan't to be a better brother, I really do."

Finally, tears streamed down his face. Tears he held back for over nine years "I just want everything to go back the way it was before I became.. like this."

"You know where I learnt how to make this when I was stuck in a cold hospital room most of my life?" He smiled, sitting up eagerly "Remember Father's cooking book that he used to show us when we were kids and it would make our tummies rumble?"

You looked down at the food, steaming hot.

For the first time in a week, you ate.

For the sake of the memories you once lost.

HOUSEMATE - Jeon Jungkook (전 정국) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now