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"Yes mum I'll be fine" Athena speaks through her phone pacing around her room.

"Camille told me he's a nice boy"

"Ma, Camille tells you everything!" She exclaims laughing.

"Have fun Athena be careful"

"I will, love you"

"Love you too bye" Athena hangs up putting her phone in purse.

"Athena come down he's here" Camille yells making Athena rush around her room grabbing her heels quickly putting them on and placing some gum in her bag. She sprays neck and wrist with some perfume and goes down stairs to the living room.

"Camille" Athena whisper yells. "Where is he?"

"In the kitchen with Liam and you look so hot" Camille tells her.

"You don't think it's too much right?" Camille shakes her head "You look so pretty Athena" Cami tells her making Athena smile.

Athena looks down and analyses her clothes. A long sleeve off the shoulder black top tucked in to her denim skirt with some black heels.

"Liam come here" Camille yells, "I'm nervous" Athena whispers to Cami who just smiles at her. "You'll be fine".

"Hey Athena" Liam says walking in to the living with a brown haired boy walking behind him. "Hey" Athena smiles.

"This is Shawn" Liam introduces him and he steps forward. "Hi, it's nice to meet you" Shawn says sending a smile to Athena. "Yeah you too" Athena smiles.

Athena recognises him straight away.

The four of them stand in the living room awkwardly not knowing what to do. "Well you guys go have fun" Camille laughs.

"Okay, my car is parked around the corner there was no space" Shawn says walking behind Athena to get to the door.

"Bye guys and Athena Liam is staying over" Camille says. "Okay but I swear to god you guys better not do it on the sofa it's new" Athena warns making Shawn laugh.

"Yeah yeah, would you leave already" Camille pushes her towards Shawn making Athena bump in to him "sorry" she says shyly. "Don't worry about it come on" he says walking outside with Athena.

Shawn and Athena walk to his car in silence and it gives her a chance to looks at him properly. He's cute she thinks, his jaw is so well structured and his hair looks so fluffy, she resists the urge to run her hand through his hair.

"You look really nice" Shawn compliments her before opening the door for her. "Thanks so do you" she says back getting in the car. Shawn shuts the door and gets in starting the car.

"I like your car" Athena tells him tracing the leather with her finger. "Thanks i love it too" he laughs. "Do you drive too?" She nods at his question "what car do you have?" He asks. "I'll show you next time we go out" she smirks a sudden wave of confidence hitting her.

"Oh so we're definitely going on a second date?" He teases making her giggle.

"It depends on today and where are we going?" She asks.

"I was going to take you for sushi at this bar down town but we don't have to" he says nervously.

"Yeah sure"

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now