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Athena walks back in to the condo, "I bought food" she yells and hears laughing. She makes her way to the living room seeing Shawn and all his friends.

"Food for us? You shouldn't have" Andrew gets up hugging her. "Oh I didn't know you guys were coming, I'll order more" she smiles handing Andrew the pizza box walking in to the kitchen calling the pizza place.

She ends the call placing her head in her hands groaning out of frustration. "Athena" Shawn calls walking in to the kitchen.

"Did you order more food?" He asks not looking at her going to the fridge. "Yeah" she replies dryly. He takes out a water bottle facing her.

"I'm going in three days" he says.

"I know" she looks down playing with her rings. Shawn sighs putting his bottle down, he walks over taking her hands in his.

"I'm sorry for this morning, I had no right to say what I did"

"You still said it and maybe what you said is true, what if I do go and then my parents shut me out. It'd break me, it really would" her voice cracks as she stops herself from bursting in to tears.

"I didn't mean it and I hope nothing like that ever happens but if it does I'm here for you" He kisses her forehead. "You need to stop upsetting me" she lets out a laugh along with a sob as she rests her head on his chest suddenly, making him stumble.

He puts on a hand on her head and the other rubs her back softly. "I'm really sorry" he kisses the top of her head.

"Good" she hits his arm. He lets out a chuckle still holding her in his arms in the dim lighting of the kitchen. "How was work? Anything special?" He asks.

Her heart stops, thinking does he know about what Yvette told her, she wasn't ready to tell Shawn yet.

"Yeah everything is good" she says. "So erm why are the boys here?" She asks trying to take the attention away from her.

"Oh just like a boys night before we go away" he says. Athena lets go off him looking up into his eyes. "Okay, I can go stay in the bedroom if you want"

"No no you can sit with us, they all love you" He kisses her nose, something he always does that makes her grin like the Cheshire Cat.

"Okay, I ordered four pizzas. Should be here in ten minutes"

"Oh what a babe" he kisses her lips quickly.
"So Athena are you excited to be going away?" Mike asks her taking a slice of pizza. "What?" She asks looking away from Shawn. Athena sat between his legs as they both sat in the floor.

"Are you excited to be going away?" He repeats. "Oh yeah" she breathes out looking out the window seeing the beautiful skyline.

"You don't sound it" zubin laughs. "I am" she shrugs. Shawn puts his arms around her waist pulling her closer so her back meets his chest. "You okay?" He whispers in her ear, she simply nods then drinks her water.

"Shawn always misses the view when we go away" Geoff says. "Of course I miss it it's so pretty" he laughs making Athena's heart thump, how can someone's laugh be beautiful.

"I'm gonna miss you too" Shawn squeezes Athena's waist. "It's only a week Shawn" Ryan laughs. "A week too long" Shawn sighs dramatically.

"Doesn't look like she'll miss you buddy" Andrew nudges him. Athena stares outside none of their voices being heard by her.

"Yeah she's deep in thought" Ian whispers and they look to see her blank expression as she looks outside, the city lights reflecting in her eyes. "Athena" Shawn calls softly kissing her shoulder. "Athena" he repeats placing a hand on her leg squeezing gently.

She shakes her head looking at everyone. "I'm gonna miss the view" she says blankly resting her head back in Shawn's shoulder. "And working here" she says sighing.

Shawn looks at everyone confused as the blank girl breathes heavily closing her eyes. When she opens them they fill with tears, ready to fall down her rosy cheeks.

"Athena you know we have breaks in between, you won't miss anything" Brian tries to joke but she blinks and the droplets escape her warm eyes falling down her cheeks in a stream.

"Why are you crying love?" Shawn hugs her body turning her around. He rests his chin on the top of her head, feeling her hiccup as she cries.

Athena breathes in Shawn's scent, feels the material of his shirt and puts her hand against his body feeling the warmth radiate of him. Her mind swirls, thinking she's a bad person, calling herself a liar as she sits with Shawn not telling him about the talk with Yvette.

It'll break them she thinks in her mind.

"Shawn, we're going to go now. Athena we hope your okay" Andrew gets up and sends Shawn a nod and the rest of them follow leaving Shawn to hold his crying girlfriend in his arms.

"Athena baby, are you crying because of this morning?" He asks now that her hiccups of settled. "Shawn I'm sorry" she whispers looking up.

"I love you, I love you so much" she cries putting her dainty hands on either sides of his face. "I know you do darling, I love you more Athena Elle Carter" he kisses her forehead and wipes her tears.

"Now why are you crying love?" He asks softly. She looks between his eyes and lips then down at his hands, she puts her hands down to his clutching in to them. Maybe she should just tell him.

"I erm.." she pauses.

"Go on, you can tell me"

"I'm just really tired" she breathes out. "Oh darling, lets go to bed" he stands up taking her hand leading her to their bedroom where she follows behind him feeling nothing but guilty for not telling him.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now