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After a whole two hours Athena got up, she hadn't fallen asleep, she simply couldn't. Her head was filled with all sorts.

She could hear Shawn laughing and singing in the other room making her heart swell up. She listened to the album crying at every song song even the happy ones, just because Shawn's voice was so soothing to her ears.

Slowly she got up going to the bathroom washing her face. She hears the music die down and thinks everyone has probably gone home so she decides to go to the kitchen. She walks out the room and as she walks past the living room her eyes meet Shawn's.

All his close friends were still there, sat just talking amongst themselves. They all look up at her, she sniffles looking down at the floor. "I'm just going to the kitchen"Athena mumbles.

"Are you still high?" Brian yells, he obviously had too much to drink. Athena ignores it walking into the kitchen bearing someone behind her but she doesn't turn back. She grabs a glass filling it with water drinking it at the sink.

"Did you meet him?" Shawn asks, she turns around looking at him. Athena nods slowly and he sighs.

"He's engaged" her voice raspy from crying. "Who was the guy you came here with?" He asks.

"Lilly's boyfriend he's also going to propose to her" Athena shrugs.

"You didn't come home last night" his voice breaks. He looks into her yes and feels his heart breaking knowing he was being dramatic.

"You told me not to" a tear rolls down her cheek. "So where'd you go?"

This talk was incredibly awkward for the both of them, both regretting how they acted.

"To Lilly's" she keeps it small knowing if she talks anymore she'll cry. "Is it true that you got high?" For some reason he wishes she says no.

She nods looking down at her hands feeling ashamed not wanting to look at him in the eyes. "How? Why Athena?" He steps closer.

"With Lilly, I only did it twice I swear. I was just upset"

"So you got high!" His voice louder than expected. "You need to see it from my point of view Shawn" Athena whispers wiping her face.
"Then tell me" his voice softens.

"I miss my friends, my family. I know they don't make an effort with me but I can still miss them. And y-you said I couldn't see Myles because you didn't like it but you didn't listen to me when I told you I already have you" she clears her throat. "You told me not to come back if I saw him and it really hurt" she looks up meeting his watery eyes.

"I need my friends just like you do" She lets out a sob crying into her hands. Shawn's heart completely breaks, he walks up to her wrapping his arms around her body as she cries.

He just rubs her back letting her cry for a good two minutes as he decides on what to say. "I'm sorry" he mumbles in to her hair. Athena looks up at him wiping his tears then roll down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry" she whispers.

"Stop crying" he places a gentle kiss on her forehead. "You're making me cry" he chokes out. Athena puts her head on his chest letting her cries soften. "I don't know why I said what I did, I couldn't sleep all night" he admits resting her head on top of hers.

"I-I was just so angry at you, I let myself go and I'm sorry Shawn" she speaks in to his chest. "You don't trust me do you?" Athena blurts out.

His hands go to her upper arms making her look up at him. "It might seem like I don't but I do, I just want you to myself and it annoyed me knowing you were going to meet with someone who confesses their love for you and I know it was a dick move that I told you not to come back and I'm really sorry for it" his hands rubbing up and down her arms.

"I love you, not anyone else Shawn. You have to understand this that I love you. I don't want anyone else" her hand cradles his jaw as the two cry.

"Will you stop crying now" he chuckles trying to brush off the fact he was crying. "And Athena I love you more, I'm so sorry" he leans down kissing her forehead gently.

"I listened to the album" she speaks up looking up in to his eyes. "I love all the songs" a small smile appears on both their faces. "Fallin' All In You, it's erm about you" he admits.

"It is?" He shakes his head yes. She links their hands together "I love you" she leans up kissing his cheek.

"And I'm sorry I wasn't here" her mind flashes to Andrew telling her about Shawn's panic attack. "Are you okay now?" She rubs her thumb over his cheek.

"I'm okay now" he nods. "Why did it happen?"

He gulps looking down at their joint hands. "I hadn't slept all night or eaten anything and I wanted everyone to like the album and you didn't come home" a tear slips his eye. "I couldn't sleep without you and I wanted someone to punch me for being such an idiot towards you"

"Okay stop" She hushes him seeing his cheeks turn a light pink and his hand becoming sweaty in hers. "We'll get over this" she tells him, making his heart settle.

"I'm still really sorry Athena" his hands going to her waist pulling her closer. "So am I, I forgive you though I really do"

He leans down closer to her lips. "I forgive your too babe" he presses his lips against hers. "I'm so proud of you" she mumbles against the kiss.

"Number one in 83 countries already" she says again. He hushes her moving his tongue against hers then he pulls back. "I needed that" he wipes his eyes.

"Me too" she bites her bottom lip. "I really am proud of you" Athena leans up kissing him once more.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now