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They finally arrived in LA and it's 9pm. Jake grabbed Shawn's and Athena's luggage and Shawn picked up Athena as she had fallen asleep from the taxi walking in to the hotel waiting for Andrew to grab the room cards.

"Hey Shawn, are you and Athena sharing a room?" Geoff asks him. "Yeah" he nods looking down at her as she lazily grabbed onto his shirt.

"Okay just keep it quiet cause I'm next door" Geoff says making Shawn scoff.

They eventually make it up to the room and of course to make it special Shawn booked the suite on the top floor. He put Athena on the bed then planted a kiss on her forehead and she began to shuffle.

"Where are we?" She asks sitting up looking up at Shawn who stood beside her.

"We're in LA at the hotel" he chuckles sitting beside her waiting for her to notice. "Woah how did I get here" she giggles falling in to Shawn's lap.

"I carried you here" he shrugs. "Oh god, you could've just woken me up" she says into his chest slowly bringing her self up to straddle his legs.

"It's okay" he kisses the top of her head then looks around the room as she holds him tightly. "Babe have you seen that over there" Shawn asks her making her look up.

Her jaw drops down and she looks from Shawn to the huge balloons and gift bags placed on the floor. "Consider it a happy early birthday" he grins watching as she smiles brightly.

"Oh thank you so much" she jolts forward pushing him down as she hugs him then showers his face with kisses making him laugh. "You haven't even seen it all" he smirks holding her thighs as she hovers over him.

"Well I love it anyway, thank you and didn't I tell you not do anything" she says poking his chest. "Well I wanted to. Plus tomorrow we're going to be really busy" he winks at her making her grin but then her smile falls quickly.

"What? What happened?" Shawn says quickly his head turning cold. She sits up groaning and Shawn follows holding the small of her back.

"I don't have anything to wear, god I'm so stupid" she huffs looking at Shawn pouting.

A small smile appears on his face making her furrow her eyebrows. "Hmm why don't you go get your presents" he tells her leaning back on his elbows.

She gets up grabbing the boxes excitedly and she places them on Shawn's lap making him grunt. "Oops" she giggles sitting beside him. Athena looks at the boxes then at him.

"What is it?" He asks her. She leans down kissing his lips gently then bites her bottom lip. "Thank you"

"You already said that now stop and open them" he chuckles caressing her cheek. "But I need you to know that I'm thankful. Not just for the presents but you. I'm really happy I met you" she says twiddling his necklace between her fingers.

"And you really make me happy and I hope I make you happy too" she giggles finally looking at him to see him already lost in the way she moves.

"You do. You make me happy Athena Elle" he pinches her cheek making her grab his wrist. "And I'm glad I met you too. And even though I've only known you for like three months, this" he points between them "us, feels right".

Both their eyes filled with love as they stare deeply in to each other's eyes.

He moves closer kissing her forehead making her eyes flutter shut as he lingers there for a second. "Now open the gifts" he tells her putting them next to her.

She grabs a white box and in ties the black ribbon, opening the box revealing a small card.

Happy 19th Birthday gorgeous! <3
Love Shawn xx

Athena smiles down at the card then folds it back up placing it to the side. She removes the white paper covering the gift then she lets out a squeal running her finger down the silk of the dress. "It's so beautiful" she says under her breath taking it out the box carefully.

"And you're going to look beautiful in it" He tells her squeezing her thigh. She puts it back carefully then kisses Shawn quickly moving on to the next box.
"Thank you so much, I love everything" Athena says tracing a finger on his bare shoulder. They lay in bed cuddling up to each other being as close as possible.

"You deserve it" He bops her nose making her scrunch it up. "I'm so excited to wear the dress and go with you tomorrow"

"I can already imagine it, you on my arm walking down the carpet together" he smirks. Athena laughs then let's out a yawn.

"Let's sleep yeah, big day ahead" he plays with her hair as she moves to lay her head on his chest. "Yeah, good night handsome" she smiles tiredly.

"Oh Athena?" He calls making her look up slightly.

"Happy birthday" he kisses the top of her head. She looks to the side at the clock seeing it was one am. She kisses his jaw lightly then closes her eyes.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now