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It's had been two weeks since Shawn and Athena came back from New York. Athena stayed at Shawn's, they enjoyed every minute together. Shawn would work on his music and Athena applied for jobs anywhere she could but there was no hope.

She slams the laptop shut and groans squeezing her eyes shut. "Woah calm down love, I don't want you turning in to hulk" Shawn laughs sitting beside her. Athena giggles then hits his arms playfully.

"I'm useless that's like the hundredth job I've applied at and been denied" she frowns feeling completely frustrated with herself. Shawn holds her hand bringing it up to his lips gently kissing her knuckles.

"I'm gonna say this once more okay because of what happened last time" he breathes out remembering how they just argued a week ago about this same thing. "Let me help you, I have connections and I can get you a job instantly"

She sighs looking down at his hands. "I don't want to thrive of your success, as selfish as I sound I want my own"

"Just give me one chance Athena" he puts two fingers beneath her chin making her look up. "What do you have in mind?" She asks putting all her trust in him.

"Can I have your keys?" She looks at him like he's gone crazy. "Your keys Athena, I promise it'll be worth it" he looks at her with promising eyes.

"They're on the counter" Shawn gets up wondering away, he returns holding up her keys. "Wait are you taking my car?"

"I wasn't going to but I do want to drive that Porsche" he smiles showing his teeth. "Knock yourself out I'll be here napping" she falls back dramatically making Shawn laugh.
Shawn walks up to the house knocking in the door waiting patiently. "Shawn? What do you want?" Camille asks folding her arms over her chest.

"I just need something from Athena's room that's all" he shrugs. Camille steps back allowing him in. "Could she not have come here herself" Camille asks following him up.

Shawn opens the bedroom door and begins looking in drawers. "Erm I wanted to come get something for her and you know maybe she would come back if you stopped being so harsh on her" he says with anger in his voice.

"Well she's the one who has her head stick up your arse" Camille spits leaning against the door frame. "Camille, she's seriously upset. You're her best friend and what you did really hurt her, I don't think she wants to come back" Shawn huffs moving to her wardrobe.

"Why wouldn't she? She lives here and she's paying half the rent, well her dad is paying half the rent and all her stuff is here" Camille furrows her eyebrows watching Shawn as he pulls out Athena's coat.

Without thinking Shawn stood up straight looking Camille in her eyes. "She's moved in with me"

Camille's mouth gapes open. "What? Why wouldn't she tell me?"

Shawn grabs the small piece of paper he was looking for and shoves it in his pocket. "I don't know but she's happy" Shawn shrugs lying straight through his teeth.

"She's happy huh? She lost her place at the academy, it was her dream, she's away from her family and she doesn't talk to her friends and you're telling me she's happy?" Camille raises an eyebrow.

"She doesn't need all that" Shawn slips past her going down the stairs. "Oh well I'll have her stuff delivered to your address, it's a shame she didn't have the guts to come tell me herself"

Shawn turns to look at her sighs cold look on his face. "Why would she? You're the worst friend there is" Shawn says then opens the door jogging to the car. His words make Camille gulp, she lost her best friend.
Shawn walks in to his bedroom swing Athena drying her hair say in her robe. She turns it off then smiles at Shawn as he leans down to kiss her lips. "You went back to mine didn't you?"

He nods sitting beside her. "Did you see Camille?" Inside she knew the answer was yes but she wanted to hear how she was.


"Oh okay" she nods slowly. "So erm what was it that you went there for?" She fakes a smile turning to face him. "Okay this just popped in my mind but it's actually you who got it so I didn't even help you really" he pulls out the card from his pocket holding it in front of her eyes.

"Shawn... you genius!" She tackles him down smothering his face in kisses. "That lady Yvette, gave you this card remember at the Armani event" Shawn says kissing her back.

"Oh my god, when should I call?" She asks frantically,getting up off him. "In the morning"

"Okay, I hope this works" she sighs. "It will I feel it" he grabs her face kissing her nose.
He pushes her down on the bed holding her hips, "Athena?"

She hums a yes running her hands through his hair. "Move in with me"

She gulps looking away from his eyes. "Okay" she whispers, she has half unsure but the word just left her lips. "Is that a yes?" He grins kissing her forehead. "Yep" she giggles pulling him down to meet her lips.

"I need to get my stuff" she mumbles as Shawn kisses down her neck. "It's okay, I got it" he says breathing on her skin as he unties her robe.

Shawn feels guilt for not telling her what really happened between his encounter with Camille but he decides himself that it's better she doesn't know.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now