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"Woah" Shawn exclaims placing his hands on her waist.

"What?" Athena shrugs putting her hands flat on his chest . Shawn shakes his head in disbelief of how beautiful she looks. "You look so pretty"

She smiles sheepishly then shakes her head "You look so good" she whispers in his ear kissing his cheek. He runs his hands down her body. "So gorgeous" he kisses her lips gently.

"Are you ready to go now?" He asks her grabbing her hand. She nods a yes quickly grabbing her purse and phone following Shawn outside.
People shout and murmur about Shawn and this new girl. Taking as many photos as possible as the couple walk down together whispering to each other the smiling.

Shawn takes Athena's hand then leads her to the carpet. He places a hand on her back and she puts her hand on his shoulder looking at him. "Shawn this is scary" she whispers in to his ear leaning up.

"Don't worry, you got this yeah. You're the most stunning girl here" he kisses her cheek making everyone roar as the flashes increase and more people shout for their attention.

"Shawn!" A voice yells making them both look. Athena blinks a few times adjusting her eyes from the cameras. "Alessia! What are you doing here?" Shawn grins as the girl approaches them. "I'm representing Armani, who's this?" Alessia asks.

"Athena, my girlfriend"

"Hi it's nice to meet you" Athena smiles hugging Alessia. "You too, you're very pretty. And I'm sorry I'm meeting you like this but I have to rush. See you guys later, text me her number Shawn!" Alessia yells walking away.

Athena turns to Shawn and smacks him playfully. "Ow What was that for?!" He asks.

"You could've told me Alessia freaking Hunter would be here. Do you know what this means for a fashion student!? She's a literal queen" Athena exclaims.

"Jeeze babe, there's more people like her here you know. I'll introduce you " Shawn smirks making her squeal in excitement. "Come on lets go inside" Shawn holds her back guiding her inside.

They walk over to Andrew who leads them inside to the interview. "Shawn you have an interview over there, you got this" Andrew pats his shoulder.

Shawn pecks Athena's lips quickly throwing her off guard . "I'll be quick, you can sit there and watch" Shawn points to the chairs. "Okay, I'll be watching" she winks then walks away.

Shawn and the interviewer get seated and the questions begin. Athena watches him with excitement as he answers questions about the brand and his work, then the question about her.

"So Shawn, you came with a girl today huh?" The interviewer asks him making his cheeks turn red and he does a nervous laugh. "Yeah, Athena. She's my girlfriend and it's also her birthday today" Shawn smiles then points to Athena. Everyone yells happy birthday making her grin of happiness.

After the interview they stay for a while to mingle, talking to everyone and each time she would squeeze Shawn's hand in excitement making him chuckle. He stayed close to her all evening always holding her hand or having a hand on her back to show show people that she was his.

Once they finished they get back in the car, Athena rests her head on Shawn's shoulder listening to him talk about the event. "I'm glad you came with me, you looked beautiful" He says making her look up.

"I hope you're having a good birthday" he says holding her hand. "I am, this was scary but I loved it and I met so many models that I look up to and so many designers, I still can't believe one gave me her card" she explains to Shawn in excitement.

"I'm glad your having fun, there's just one place we need to go and I'm not telling you" Shawn says making her giggle. "You didn't have to, you've already enough. This dress is so pretty and I love the shoes and jewellery and just being with you today was amazing" she kisses his cheek.

"We are here" Shawn says and her head turns to look outside. "Just one small thing" he winks helping her out the car, she looks up seeing a view of the beach whilst the autumn sun set.

Shawn grabs her hand pulling her towards a bench with a basket placed in the middle. "This is amazing" she laughs sitting beside Shawn on the bench.

"Happy Birthday Athena" Shawn's large hand cradles her face and he leans in kissing her lips softly. "You're amazing" Athena tells him making his eyes sparkle.

The two sat there till it was dark, drinking away, eating as much as they could, laughing with each other, they were feeling happiness and it came from each other.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now