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"Athena why did you leave him like that!" Camille says through the phone.

"Ugh I don't know I'm a mess"

"Should I come home we can talk about it"

"No no it's fine, I'll call Lilly over"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow in class"

"Bye Cami" Athena ends the call plopping down on the sofa texting Lilly.

Athena: can you come over lil? x
Lilly pond🌷: sure thing, I'm sleeping over by the way see you in 10 x

After an hour Lilly was inside sat with Athena the two of them eating ice cream watching Magic Mike. "Wait I'm confused are you and Shawn not a thing" Lilly asks.

"I don't know Lil, we kiss and we flirt, he gets jealous when I talk to other guys but he's not my boyfriend and I'm not his girlfriend" Athena sighs taking a sip of her drink.

"Just tell him you like him" Lilly shrugs

"It's not that easy, maybe I'm moving too fast for him"

Lilly laughs looking at Athena "babe you've had sex, he's seen you naked, you've told him about the fam and you kiss him like all the time and you guys post about each other on Instagram" Lilly exclaims using hand gestures.

"Oh god how do you know we've done it ?!" Athena asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"Camille told me but don't tell her that I told you" Lilly says quickly. "Yeah I won't tell her" Athena nods.

"He obviously likes you, just tell him and if he doesn't feel the same you can... you can punch me" Athena laughs, "I'm not punching you"

"Fine just tell him and I'll tell Ethan I like him." Lilly looks away, Athena gasps looking at Lilly.

"Holy shit how did I not know you liked Ethan?" Athena switched the subject. "I know what you're doing Athena but yeah I do like him and I'll tell him tomorrow if you tell Shawn you like him" Lilly pulls up her hand.

Athena looks at it before shaking it "we have a deal Lilly pond" she says making her laughs "we do Carter".

"Okay so changing the subject how big is he" Lilly asks making Athena gasp. "Oh god I'm not talking about this" she laughs taking a spoonful of ice cream. "Okay then is he good"

Athena looks at Camille in silence grinning, "Holy shit how good like you go again good or one time good" Lilly exclaims turning to Athena.

"Erm the first time we went twice" Athena mumbles making Lilly throw her hands over mouth. "Oh shit what about the second time" Lilly asks widening her eyes. Athena doesn't respond feeling embarrassed, "this silence means more that twice" Lilly sits back with a grin on her face.

"I'm changing the subject now" Athena laughs, "did you know Myles and savannah slept together at Camille's party" Lilly chokes on her ice cream looking up. "Savannah and Myles like our friends what the fuck Myles told me he liked-" She quickly cuts her self off knowing she couldn't tell Athena.

"Lilly" Athena says sternly. "Who does Myles like?" Lilly shakes her head "I can't say". Athena grabs her phone pulling up Ethan's contact "Well I guess I'll just have to tell Ethan that a certain someone likes him" she teases slowly pulling her finger over the ring button

Lilly grabs her phone quickly "he likes you" she blurts making Athena's brown eyes widen. "He can't though, he said he wants to be friends" she recalls the conversation between her and Myles.

"He told me before the party" Lilly says sadly, "maybe he slept with savannah as a distraction plus she wouldn't care anyway a dick is a dick to her" Lilly chuckles.

"Lilly I almost kissed him on Halloween but Camille pulled me away" Athena admits. "I didn't want to confuse myself between Shawn and Myles so I stayed away from Myles"

Lilly looks over Athena's sad expression, she scoots over engulfing her in a hug. "Don't worry about it, Myles doesn't know you know so just act like before it doesn't have to be different. Just tell Shawn you like him, you'll be so busy with Shawn that you'll forget Myles" Lilly tells her softly.

"Right it shouldn't matter to me anyway I like Shawn not Myles" Athena nods.

Athena, Lilly and Camille walks out of class heading over to their cars. "Honestly guys we need to have a girls night us, Hannah and savannah too I miss it" Camille says sadly.
"Yeah I do too, how about tomorrow? It's Saturday tomorrow so stay Saturday night at my and Camis place" Athena suggests making the two girls nod eagerly.

"I'll text the others, and I have to go now Liam is taking me on a date" Camille grins jogging up to her car leaving Lilly and Athena.

"So are you gonna do it?" Lilly asks, "yeah I'm going to his place now, shit I should text him first actually. Make sure you tell Ethan too and tell me about it!" Athena exclaims getting in her car waving off Lilly as she gets in her own car.

Athena😍: hey, can I come over? x

Shawn🔥: yeah sure, see you soon x

Shawn closes his phone looking up, "Shawn get off your phone you're always on it" his mum says, "you too Aaliyah" his mum nags making the two out put down their phones.

"Erm guys my friend is coming cover so let's wait for dinner" Shawn smiles nervously at his parents. "Yeah that's fine" Karen nods setting down her wine.

Shawn looks down at his phone quickly.

Athena😍: be there in twenty there's a bit of traffic sorry x

Shawn🔥: don't worry about it, can't wait to see you 😉x

Shawn knew it was wrong not to tell her that his family was over but he worried that if she knew she wouldn't come and he desperately wanted to see her after she rushed off last night.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now