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"Camille you little bitch!" Athena yells running downstairs seeing her blonde friend sat on Liam's lap. "What is it Athena?" Camille asks looking up.

"You set me up with Shawn Mendes!"

"And the problem is" Camille asks confused.

"You could've warned me, I know I'm not a die hard fan but I know who he is" Athena exclaims plopping onto the sofa beside them.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would freak out but forget that tell me how it was! Me and Liam were talking about how awkward you would be" Camille says making Liam laugh  

Athena goes on about her time with Shawn and explains everything with detail including the part where he awkwardly hugged her. Liam and Camille laugh at Athena, she grabs a pillow and hits them with it.

"I can't believe you rejected his hug" Liam says between chuckles. "I know, please don't remind me I'm so embarrassed" She falls back on the sofa and hugs a pillow.

"Well when's the next date?" Camille grabs the pillow causing her to groan. "Oh shit, I didn't give him my number or anything so I'll ever know" Athena mumbles going to the kitchen.

"I'll give it to him" Liam yells from the living room, Athena rushes back in with some juice "don't, don't give it to him it'll be better" she says making Camille look at her like she's crazy.

"Athena are you being serious?"

"Yes, now I have to go ready I have a shift later on" with saying that Athena goes upstairs getting ready.
Shawn however just woke up, he reaches for his phone and sees its twelve thirty making him groan knowing he's late. He gets ready as fast as he could and gets out the house going to meet his manager.

"Andrew I'm sorry I'm late" Shawn apologies sitting opposite Andrew his manager and a few of his friends. "It's okay Shawn, we just want to discuss some merch with you" Andrew says making Shawn breath in calmly.

They go on discussing colours and logos but Shawn's mind wonders to last night. Athena, what a pretty name and such a pretty girl, it makes him cringe at the thought but he can't get her of his mind.

"Shawn, you just don't seem in to it. We can do this another time just go home or something" Andrew huffs noticing Shawn is in wonderland.

Shawn nods and walks out with his friends "should we get food?" Josiah asks the group and they all say yes of course. They get in their cars and meet at a small pizza place.

The group of guys get a table and order quickly and chat amongst themselves. "So Shawn heard you went on a date?" Brian says grabbing all the attention and putting it on him.

Shawn runs his hand through his hair nervously and chuckles "Yeah I did"

"Come on tell us more, was she hot?" He asks

"Oh god shut up Brian. Yeah she was really pretty, it was great and I really like her" Shawn admits and all the boys laugh and awe.

"Our Shawnie boy has a crush" Matt yells making Shawn go red and hide his head in his hands as the boys fawn over his love life.

"Okay okay, shut up and let me eat" Shawn complains wanting nothing more than to stop talking about this. "When do we get to meet her?" Ian asks taking a bite of his pizza.

"Guys it was one date, I don't know if she wants to even see me again" Shawn shrugs.

Athena finally earns her break at two leaving her to sit on the side counter on her phone talking to Rose, the owner of the shop. She was a lovely lady probably around forty years old but she had the energy of a twenty year old, Athena loved working for her she like a mother to her. The curly red haired women would always look out for Athena and listen and not judge which made Athena love Rose even more.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now