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"Hi who are you?" Aaliyah asks opening the door to the Athena. "Hi is Shawn here?" She asks awkwardly holding on to the strap of her bag. Aaliyah nods then turns around "Shawn! There's a really pretty girl at the door should I tell her she got the wrong door!" She shouts, Athena quietly laughs.

"Who is it?" He shouts back. Aaliyah turns around to her "what's your name?" She asks politely. "Athena" she smiles, Aaliyah turns around again shouting Athena's name.

Shawn gets up quickly speeding to the door, "let her in Aaliyah" he says pushing her to the side to see Athena stood there awkwardly. He opens the door fully pulling her inside.

"Hi sorry about that" he smiles, "it's okay" she tells him. "Come on let's go to the living room" Shawn says walking off but Athena pulls him back. "Erm do you have guests? You could've told me I can go home" she says quickly.

"Oh hi are you Shawn's friend?" Karen walks out speaking not letting Shawn speak.

"Hi I'm Shawn's mum" she smiles. Athena's heart drops in panic, "oh h-hi" she smiles, Karen's pulls her in for a hug, Athena hugs back then they pull away. Shawn watches from beside Athena, he thought she would be okay with this but she seems nervous.

"Come on we're about to eat" Karen says walking in to the kitchen. Athena looks at Shawn gulping but she follows Karen. "Sorry Mrs Mendes but I should go home" Athena smiles wanting to escape this.

"Honey it's just dinner, plus Shawn didn't cook so it should be good" Athena laughs then nods her head. "Okay, can I help with anything?" Athena puts her bag down and takes her jacket off. "Oh Thank you, could you just check on the chicken" Karen smiles, Athena nods walking over to the stove.

Shawn walks back in to the living room seeing Aaliyah and his dad talking, "is she your girlfriend?" Aaliyah asks, Shawn shakes his head sadly "no she's not, I feel bad. I didn't tell her you guys were here she seems nervous" Shawn admits falling on to the sofa.

"Well what are you doing here? You left her in the kitchen with your mother imagine how awkward she must be feeling. God your such an idiot Shawn" Manny says getting up going to kitchen.

Shawn gets up abruptly thinking how stupid he could be. He walks in to the kitchen seeing Athena hugging his dad. "It's nice to meet you Mr Mendes and you Aaliyah" Athena smiles at them.

His heart flutter at the sight of her helping his mum cook, "Okay everything is ready, Let's go sit around the table" Karen says holding up a pot with oven mitts.

They all go to the table sitting down but Athena waits till last feeling awkward anywhere she'll sit. "Sit here" Shawn calls patting the seat beside him. She walks over and Shawn stands up pulling the chair out for her, she smiles at him saying thank you then sitting down.

"Shawn pour the drinks, do you drink Athena?" Manny asks, "yeah but I won't be having any today. Thanks" she decides it would be sensible if she didn't drink knowing how she gets with even two glasses of wine.

"Athena what do you do sweetie?" Karen asks, they sat in Shawn's living room talking as Harry Potter was playing in the background, Shawn sat next to Athena and the others on the other sofa. "I'm studying fashion" she smiles.

Shawn looks down at her smiling, "Wow what kind of stuff do you do?" Karen asks.

"I design a lot, we get themes and we design from them. Sometimes we make outfits too and analyse different fashion trends" Athena says biting in to her bottom lip nervously.

"How did you meet Shawn?" Manny asks, Athena looks up at Shawn who's already looking at her "a friend introduced us" Shawn says.

Athena's phone dings making her look away shyly, "sorry" she mumbles looking at her phone.

Lilly Pond🌷: did you tell Shawn yet?! I told Ethan and I'm going on a date omg 😩

Lilly Pond🌷: Girl text me back, what did Shawn say????

Lilly Pond🌷: bet he confessed you guys are already my otp, I have to go now tell me what he says x

Shawn glances down at her phone for a couple of seconds and his eyes widen, "what do you have to tell me?" He asked in a quiet voice so only she could hear him, even though his parents were having a a conservation of their own now.

"What?" She asks cluelessly looking up at him, he scoots closer to her putting an arm around the edge of the sofa. "What is it that you have to tell me?" Shawn asks again.

Athena looks away in panic then down at her phone quickly locking it "Nothing" she says averting her eyes back up to his. "Are you sure? You can tell me you know" he says still whispering.

His eyes look down a her lips, oh how bad he wanted to kiss her right now. Shawn turns to his parents seeing them not looking, "Nothing Shawn it's okay" Athena tells him. Shawn turns around then quickly pecks her lips moving back smiling down at her.

Athena looks up at him but she felt confused and completely flustered, "why'd you do that?" She asks making his smile drop. "What kiss you?" He furrows his eyebrows at her in confusion.

"Yeah" she whispers, "I'm sorry" he mumbles then looks away moving his arm feeling hurt by her. Athena said it without thinking, she just wants to know what they are that's all.

Friends don't kiss each other she thinks to herself but they aren't in a relationship so what is it.

"Athena?" Shawn calls, "you're phone is ringing" he tells her making her look down but the call ends and a message appears.

Camille: the girls are here the sleepover is starting early! Get over here x

"Erm I have to go" Athena says getting up, "it was really nice to you meet you guys" she smiles hugging them all leaving Shawn. He walks with her to the door then spins her around suddenly.

He presses his lips to hers taking her back, they stay like this for a few seconds then she pulls back.

"I have to go, Bye Shawn" she waves at him quickly walking out.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now