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Shawn was driving Athena to work, a hand placed on her thigh rubbing up and down to keep her calm. "You'll be fine" he tells her for the hundredth time this morning but he'd carry on saying it just to make her feel okay.

Athena nods taking off her seat belt. "Thank you" she leans over kisses his lips gently. "I'll pick you up text me when you finish, I'll be at the studio" he kisses her lips once more.

"Okay, happy writing" she laughs getting out the car.

She walks up to the building and through the entrance going up via the lift. Her office was on the top floor, a great view and it was large.

"Athena!" Yvette shouts as she exists the elevator. "Morning Yvette" Athena smiles.

"Morning, I have your first task ready on your desk and have fun today get to know everyone and if you have any problems come to me Okay" Athena nods showing she understands every word.

"Have a good first day, I'll be in my office" Yvette walks off leaving Athena to make her way to her office. She's about to walk in when she hears someone clear their throat behind her.

"Hi I'm Elliot, you must be Athena the new head editor" the tall brunette looks down at her flashing her a smile.

"Yeah it's nice to meet you" she smiles pulling out her hand for him to shake. "So this your office, it's nice" he comments peering over her shoulder.

"I haven't been in yet, you can come in if you like" she shrugs. She opens the door using her key and flicks on the lights brightening the grey walls. "I guess that's where you sit" Elliot laughs.

Athena walks over placing her bag on the glass desk, she sits on the big black chair twirling around to look out the window. "You got a good view huh?"

"I sure did" she nods turning around to see a white file placed beside the computer. She opens it up seeing a set of instructions and a drawing.

"What is she making you do then?" Elliot sits on the table looking down at the paper. "Edit this to perfection then give it to her when it's done"

"I can help if you want" he shoves his hands in his pockets nervously. "Erm I think I can manage but I could uses someone to talk to" she sends him a warm smile looking up. "I'll bring my work here then"
Elliot and Athena work for hours, Elliot making her laugh telling her about the other colleagues. He flirts with her discreetly but she brushes it off thinking he's just being friendly.

"Oh and watch Luke, he doesn't like coffee" Athena gasps dropping her pencil. "Oh my god, I need to stay clear of him then" she laughs picking her pencil up again.

"Erm Athena do you-"

A buzz disrupts them, Athena looks down at the phone then up at Elliot. "Press the green button, it's probably reception calling."

Athena nods pressing the button. "Miss Carter, do you know a Shawn? Should I send him up?" The voice speaks.

"Yeah yeah send him up" she ends the call looking down at her watch seeing it's already five.

Elliot walks to her side, sitting on the table looking down at her. "Athena you're really pretty" he says making her laugh nervously.

"Erm Elliot thank you but I-"

Shawn's blood boils, he opens the glass door then clears his throat. "Sir your not allowed to just enter" Elliot says standing up straightening his black suit.

"Elliot, he's my boyfriend" Athena stands up walking to Shawn. She wraps her arms around his neck and he hugs her with one arm.

"Oh sorry about that" Elliot looks away completely embarrassed. "Hi babe" Shawn kisses her lips quickly.

"I just need to finish up" Athena says going back to her desk picking up her pen. "You can sit down, I'll be ten minutes"

Shawn nods sitting down on the grey sofa placed at the side of the room. Elliot sits down opposite her continuing his work in silence.

"Athena, is your dad Richard Carter?" Elliot asks making her look up, she nods then looks down again. "I'm a big fan, I watched a few of his races when I was younger"

"You did?" Athena asks smiling. "Yeah, he's the best on the track" Elliot exclaims.

Shawn watches them with anger, he rolls his eyes as Elliot continues to try to impress her with his racing knowledge. Athena looks at Shawn sending him a smile then she gets up. "I just need to give these to Yvette then I'll be done"

"It's okay I'll give it to her" Elliot winks standing up. "I need to see her anyway"

"Oh okay, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow" she smiles then walks over to Shawn who's already standing up.

Shawn follows Athena to the lift and he places his hand on her back as they get it. He pulls her in kissing his lips sweetly. She smiles biting down on his bottom lip letting go.

"He's just a work friend"

"How did you know?" He sighs linking their hands as they walk out. "I could see it in your eyes" she giggles as he opens the door for her.
"I wasn't jealous of that douche" Shawn scoffs

"Yes you were but he doesn't matter because he's just a friend. I'm with you" She pecks his lips. "Yeah your mine" he says shutting the door getting in on the other side.

"I don't like him anyway, wearing that suit and his hair gelled back" Shawn says starting the car.

"How was writing today?" She asks putting her hand on his thigh. "Good, we managed to record a song and we have them all written"

"I'm proud of you" she leans over pecking his cheek. "And I'm proud of you, your first day done"

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now