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Two days after the party it was time for Shawn to come back, he was nervous to see Athena mainly because he had lied but should it matter they wants an official couple. He got out of the Uber gabbing his bag then he walked up to his condo wanting nothing more that to sleep.

Shawn dropped his bag on the counter grabbing his phone, he saw he had a few texts and calls but only one made a smile grow on his face.

Athena😍: have a safe flight, tell me when you land. I'm in class right now ☹️x

Shawn🔥: I'm back home now. Come over once you're done x

Athena looks down at the message then at Camille, "What is it?" Camille asks. "Shawn texted me to go over to his" Athena says.

They both get in Camille's car putting on their seatbelts, "I'll drop you off, I'll stay at Liam's tonight" Camille says then begins driving.

Camille pulls up outside stopping the car, "I'll see you tomorrow morning yeah" Camille says, "yeah thanks so much and bye" Athena waves off Camille then goes inside.

A rush of nerves approach her as she raises her hand to knock on the door, she felt like a school girl about to talk to her crush. She knocks twice then moves back waiting. After a couple of minutes Shawn opens the door, a towel hanging from his waist, his hair wet flopping down to his forehead and his body had small droplets of water on it.

"Oh hi" She says flustered, "come in" he smiles. Once she's inside he immediately hugs her, "oh god Shawn you're all wet" she groans making his laugh as she moves her arms to his back hugging him. His muscles flex beneath her touch making her blush.

They both pull back looking at each other, "why are you blushing?" Shawn smirks, Athena's hands go to her cheeks "I'm not, it's just cold outside and my cheeks are red" she states keeping her eyes up not wanting to look at his bare body.

"I'll go get changed" he winks then leaves her standing. She sighs then goes over to the sofa sitting down looking at the black suitcases and guitar cases that were still packed. Shawn walks back in wearing a black Adidas top and black sweats.

He sits himself beside by Athena throwing an arm over her shoulder, her breath hitches at the close contact which makes Shawn grin. "Do I do that to you?" He asks smugly. "Do what?" She asks turning to face him now being extremely close to his lips.

His eyes flicker to her slightly parted lips wanting nothing more to kiss her, using his hand he hold her chin lifting her face up to his. Shawn leans down pressing his lips to hers immediately getting a reaction from her as she moves she moves her lips against his.

Athena pulls back resting her head on his chest, he places a hand on her back playing with the ends of her hair, her hand lays flat against his chest and the other at his stomach.

"How was LA?" She asks making Shawn tense up at the question, "it was good yeah" he clears his throat. "How about the party seemed like fun?" She says looking up at him.

"Oh yeah it was good, I only went for like an hour" she nods at him resting her head against his chest again. "Athena I'm sorry I lied to you" he blurts out making her confused. "Lied to me about what" she asks.

"I told you I was at a hotel writing music when I was at a club, I got invited to that party a while ago, I'm sorry I didn't just tell you"

"It's okay" she mumbles making Shawn confused, he thought she would've been more affected by the news. "It's okay?"

"Yeah, you had a good time so what? I don't control you" she lets out a small laugh.

"How was Camille's party?"

"It was good, maybe you'll join next year" she laughs but Shawn took it seriously. "You said you were okay with it" he says.

"I am, what do you mean?" She looks at him furrowing her eyebrows. "You seem hurt" he confesses. "I'm not, it's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything you can do whatever you want" she shrugs.

It clicks in Shawn's mind that she's not upset about him going but upset about something else.

"Athena?" He calls tucking some hair behind her ear. She hums in response looking in to his eyes, he leans in kissing her lips but she pulls back, "I'm going home" she says getting up abruptly grabbing her bag.

"I'll see you another time" she mumbles walking towards the door, "Wait, did I do something wrong" Shawn asks making her stop. "No you didn't, I just want to go home" she tells him before turning the handle to walk out.

She leaves Shawn confused and herself confused. It was too much for her to comprehend, they act like a couple and everyone can see they like each other but why can't they admit their feelings to each other.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now