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"Athena? Come in" Lilly grabs her hand pulling Athena inside. "My parents aren't home, what's up hun?" Lilly asks as they walk to the living room.

"Lilly why is everyone getting rid of me?" Her voice cracks. Lilly's features soften as she sees how red Athena's eyes are. "Athena" Lilly sighs softly.

"No one is getting rid of you" Lilly sits closer to her rubbing her back. "We're all just growing up" she tells Athena. "I'm so sorry you feel this way"

Athena looks up at her sniffling. "Athena tell me what happened" she nods looking down at her hands and begins telling Lilly everything.

"Wow that was something" Lilly says grabbing her glass of wine. "You need to relax" Lilly stands up. "What do you mean?" Athena asks.
Lilly walks away then comes running back in.

"It's Ethan's but he won't mind" Lilly holds up a joint and a lighter. "Lilly-"

"Come on, you can stay the night here and the last time we did this was our first year at the academy and you handled it like a champ" Lilly say taking a hit then she slowly blows the smoke out.

Athena wipes her tears and takes the joint taking a long puff sighing as she releases it. She sits back repeating her actions then passing it back to Lilly. "Feel good?"

Athena nods grabbing her glass of whiskey. "Don't tell anyone" Athena says and Lilly nods putting her hand on her heart.
The two girls passed out on the sofa after a long night, Lilly poured her heart out about Ethan and Athena listened and also couldn't stop saying how much she loves Shawn.

Athena's eyes flutter open, she groans trying to sit up but realises Lilly's legs were over her stomach. She pushes her legs and sits up rubbing her head.

"Rough night?" Ethan asks walking in. "You could say" Athena laughs taking the coffee of off Ethan whilst mumbling a thanks. "How was it?" He asks.

"Honestly I felt good" she sighs. "And by the way don't tell Lilly I'm telling you this but she poured her heart out to me about you, she really loves you and wants to marry you, she sees a future"

Ethan grins "I bought her a ring" he says. Athena's heart races "oh my god E!" She gasps.

"I'm doing it this weekend, I'm taking her to Paris but she has no idea" Ethan says. Athena smiles at him then bites her lip thinking about Shawn. Would he ever do that?

"I'm happy for you guys" Athena says moving Lilly's legs. Ethan smiles putting down his mug. "E can I ask a favour?"


"Can I have another joint? Just one please" she asks. He runs upstairs then back down passing her a joint and a lighter. "Last time yeah and whatever your going through isn't worth the pain" Ethan says and leaves her.

She holds up the joint to her lips lighting it. Her eyes shut as she breaths it out, she grabs her phone seeing it's already half three in the afternoon and no messages of anyone. A tear slips her eye but she quickly wipes it taking another hit leaning back as she smokes away any feelings.

After an hour Lilly wakes up taking the joint off Athena smoking it herself. "I've never seen you like this Athena" Lilly says.

"I'm fine" she smiles then looks down at her phone seeing Andrew calling her. She answers and waits for him to speak.

"Athena get here right now!" He says in a rush.

"Oh hi Andrew I'm fine what about you?" She says sarcastically.

"Athena this isn't a joke, it's Shawn please get here now" he ends the call and Athena's face drops. She stands up grabbing her coat.

"Ethan can I drive?" She asks him running to the kitchen. "No you're high Athena" he says.

"Take me home please quick" Athena runs a hand through her hair. Ethan nods grabbing his keys. "Babe I'm dropping Athena home, I love you" Ethan leans down kissing Lilly quickly. "I love you more and Athena I hope we can do this again!" Lilly shouts as the two walk out.

"Drink this" Ethan hands her a green liquid as they get in her car. "It's a green apple drink, it helps me sober up" he tells her and she nods drinking it slowly as Ethan drives.

They finally reach the condo and Athena gulps and knocks on the door as she left her keys. She hears someone running up to the door, Brian opens the door and pulls her inside and Ethan follows.

"Brian what is it?" She asks slipping off her coat. "First of all where were you? This is the release of the album and you weren't here!" Brian yells. "And Shawn he's-" he stops looking in to her eyes. He holds her face and she blinks quickly.

"You're high" Brian whispers. "What the fuck Athena" he yells. Andrew rushes towards them seeing Athena now crying and Ethan rubbing her back.

"She's fucking high Andrew, don't let her near Shawn" Brian storms off. "Andrew what's happening?" Athena asks holding his wrists.

"Shawn he's erm having a p-panic attack" Andrew stutters. "But Athena why are you high? Why?" Andrew asks.

"Let me see him please" she cries. "I can't, Athena you stink of weed and I can see it in your eyes" Andrew says sadly. "B-but Andrew what about Shawn" she whimpers but Andrew shakes his head no.

"And who's this guy? Why didn't you come home last night? Why are you crying?" Andrew shoots. She lets out a sob and Ethan hugs her so she can cry in to his chest.

"Take her to the guest room, Shawn doesn't need this right now" Andrew shakes his head disappointed in Athena as he walks off.

"Ethan please let me see him" she cries looking up at him. "I can't, I don't know what's going on" he says sadly, she nods going in to the guest room.

"You can go" She slumps down in to the bed. "Athena call me or Lilly if anything happens, absolutely anything" she nods turning the other way and waits for the door to shut before she starts crying again.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now