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Athena and Camille sat in their class waiting for the day to be over, the professor dismissed them making both girls rush out.

"You're meeting Myles at that sushi place, are you nervous, scared, excited?" Camille pesters the brown haired girl.

"Honestly I don't know, when I see him I'll know I guess don't worry you'll know everything when I'm back" Athena tells Camille making her laugh.

"Okay I'll see you later okay, tell me if anything happens" They hug and part ways going to their cars. Athena gets in putting her seatbelt on. She sits behind the wheel trying to figure out what she'll say, her thoughts are dismissed by her phone ringing.

"Hey Shawn" she smiles at the thought of him.

"Hey Athena" she can clearly see the smirk on his face.

"What's up?" She asks

"Well what are you doing right now?"

Her heart sinks she would choose Shawn over Myles but she can't cancel. "I'm meeting Myles right now, what did you have in mind"

"Oh Myles, I hope everything goes okay" he wanted to hit himself for even saying she should meet with him but there was nothing he could do.

"I wanted to take you out" she smiles wider at his words.

"How about tonight? When I'm done I'll text you or you can wait at my house I won't be long"

"I'll be waiting then"

"I'll be like an hour max then I'm all yours" her words came off as more playful than she anticipated.

"Okay then, you're all mine tonight, see ya" she bites her lip even though he can't see her he knows what effect he has on her. "Bye Shawn"

Athena walks in to the restaurant looking around, her landing on him.

Myles stands up spotting Athena, his shoulders were much more broad it looked like he was about to rip the baseball tee he had on. He looked so much better than Athena remembered.

"Hey Athena" he goes towards her for a hug, for a second she freezes but hugs back, she feels his back muscles through his shirt and he smelt so good. "Hey Myles".

"Here sit down" he goes behind her pulling out the chair, she sits and moves in as he goes opposite her sitting down. "You look really good" Myles compliments.

"Erm thanks, you look good too" she blushes but tries to hide it by looking away. "Thanks Thena" she looks back at him smiling remembering when he would call her that to make fun off her.

"Shut up Smiles" she jokes back. She thought to herself what is she doing, why is she becoming all giddy.

"I erm already ordered for us, is that okay" he asks her "yeah that's fine I like any sushi really"

"Yeah I figured, I remember when you ordered that big sushi platter and finished it all and everyone was wondering how such a small girl could eat that much" she laughs at the memory "then you ignored me for hours cause I took one roll" Myles laughs too.

"Hey don't get in the way of me and my food" she jokes shrugging her shoulders.

The waitress arrives with their food, they begin eating and reminiscing on past memories neither one of them wanting to talk about the bad things, until Athena had enough of guessing.

"Yeah it was all great till you left me" she mumbles taking a sip of her drink, his face drops at her words "Athena, I'm really sorry, I never wanted to hurt you and I wish I could take it back."

"Well you can't and it's okay I'm over it" she shrugs. "Myles I need to know why you wanted to meet with me suddenly". He clears his throat looking at the girl in front of him "I wanted to apologise and I want us to start again" this time her face drops.

"No no, I don't mean like get back together but as friends" he smiles, he did listen to cami. He heard she was happy and that's what he wanted for her. "Friends?" She repeats.
"Yeah if that's okay with you, I miss having my best friend Thena"

"I miss you too Smiles" she looks over shooting him a toothy smile.
"Do you want to come back to mine?" She asks and he looks at her confused "I mean to see Cami and Liam". He nods and gets in his car following her car to her house.

They both get out and Myles follows her up the stairs "this house is really nice" he compliments, she looks back at him before opening the door "Yeah my dad helped me with it" she opens the door "ah your dad never really liked me huh?" He laughs.

She laughs walking in with Myles "no he didn't" she giggles. Walking in to the living room she stops dead in her tracks seeing Cami, Liam and most importantly Shawn.

"Woah" Myles say bumping in to her as she stops walking. "Oh my god Myles!" Liam yells getting up to hug him. Cami gets up and hugs Athena "he's been here for two hours, go explain" cami whispers to Athena.

"Shawn" she says walking towards him as Liam and Camille talk with Myles. Shawn gets up from the sofa brushing his jeans down "Hey did you have fun with him" he came off as angry, she furrows her eyebrows at him "you were laughing when you came in so I just figured"

"Oh erm yeah, it was good." She tucks some hair behind her ear. "Hey nice to meet you, I'm Myles" he stood next to Athena bringing his hand out, Shawn looks it and shakes his hand "Yeah you too, I'm Shawn" the two boys let go looking between each other awkwardly.

Luckily cami sees and goes behind Athena "how about drinks in the kitchen" she claps her hands. "Yeah drinks, that's a good idea" Athena nods rushing in to the kitchen before anyone else.

They all come in sitting beside each other in the order, Liam, Myles then Shawn whilst Camille stands beside Athena as the two grab the drinks.

"Actually Liam you make the drinks, I need to tell Athena something" Camille smiles grabbing Athena's hand leading her out the kitchen "it's just girl stuff" Camille shouts back.

The blonde girl stands in front of Athena. "What's going on?" Camille asks confused.

"Cami I had a good dinner with Myles and we're friend now that's a long story so I'll tell you later, but shawn wanted to take me out tonight so I told him to wait here for me and I'm so horrible I forgot and now this is awkward" Athena let's it all out in one breath.

"Awkward? This is fucking hilarious" Camille laughs "and you're not horrible just explain to him but he shouldn't be jealous or anything he's the one who told you to go so don't stress, now let's go back" Camille grabs her hand dragging her back in.

Athena smiles at Shawn, he instantly returns the smile. "So what were you girls talking about?" Liam ask as Camille and Athena drink their cups of vodka and sprite quickly.

"We were talking about you guys" Camille says making Athena choke on her drink. She coughs bringing her hand up to her mouth, "Im kidding duh just girl stuff" Camille laughs sipping her drink.

"Yeah girl stuff" Athena says clearing her throat whilst glaring at Camille.

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