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"Camille he's not awake yet that why I'm whispering" Athena whispers through the phone. Her body was still in Shawn's grasp, his soft snoring let out hot breaths on her back feeling so close to him.

"Oh my god did you, you know"

"Cami no we just fell asleep that's it"

"Just sleeping is that it? I don't believe you"

"He kissed me" Athena confesses her voice still quiet.

"Oh thank the lord you got some action, how was it?"

"It was so good, holy shit if I knew he could kiss like that I would've done it the first time I saw him" Athena was still whispering hoping Shawn wouldn't hear however he was already awake but decided to keep quiet letting her talk on the phone.

"I'll text you later okay have fun with Liam" Athena puts down her phone and sighs in bliss.

She loved the feeling of Shawn's bare arms around her waist and the way his face was snuggled in to her hair so she could feel his hot breath.

It was risky but she turned around gently to face Shawn. He looked so handsome even though he was sleeping. She takes her time to look over his features, his stunning features.

His messy curls were now flopped down on his forehead, his lips were plump and slightly parted and all she wanted to do was grab his face and kiss him.

Shawn stirred slightly and clutched on to Athena tighter purposefully. Athena froze hoping she hadn't woke him up but his eyes flickered open. He opens his eyes fully and smiled down at Athena who's face was near his chest.

"I'm sorry if I woke you"

"No it's fine" Shawn chuckles as he's been awake for a while and she didn't notice.

"Morning gorgeous" she blushes and bites down on her lip. "Morning" she replies back.

"Come here" he holds her waist and pulls her up slightly so they're face to face. He keeps a hand on her hip and brings the other to her face cradling her jaw. Shawn licks his lips then presses a kiss to her swollen lips.

Her reaction was late but she kisses back bringing her hands up to his face. He moves with force pushing her back so she's laying flat on her back, pulling his body up he puts a leg over her body so he can hover over her.

Shawn smiles in to the kiss then pulls back kissing down her neck, he looks up seeing her smiling and he grins against her skin remembering her words she said about him being a good kisser.

He pulls up and looks down at her face smirks. Her hands are flat against his bare chests, her smooth legs rub against the material of his joggers.

"You're lips are so swollen and red" Shawn comments rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. "Yeah they do that once I've slept I'm not sure why but they're probably worse cause you know the kissing" she feels shy even saying that they've kissed.

"Oh they look so... kissable" Athena giggles at his choice of words and he smirks "I'm telling the truth" he leans back in joining their lips again. He pulls back again, "Should we get breakfast?" Athena nods in response then leans up pecking his lips one more time.

After getting dressed and making out again Shawn took Athena to get waffles and coffee. The pair couldn't stop smiling at each other and laughing at the smallest of things. Shawn made Athena feel special and Athena made Shawn feel normal.

Athena was driving with Shawn in the passenger seat, they were going back to Athena's place as she wanted to check up on the house not knowing if Cami came home in the morning. She pulled up and they both got out, Shawn following Athena.

They walked in to the living room hand in hand and there sat Liam with a beer in his hand. "Hey Liam where's cami?" Athena sets her bag on the sofa and looks at the blonde boy. "Hey guys, she's on the phone in the kitchen" Liam smiles at them.

"Oh right, Shawn do you want anything?" He shakes his head "in just gonna go to the kitchen I'll be back" she says letting go of Shawn making her way to the kitchen.

Cami stood leaning against the island with a hand in her blonde hair, she looked so stressed which spread a concern through Athena.

"I'll have to see, bye" Cami ends the call and smiles sadly at Athena. "Hey, you okay?" Athena asks walking over to cami to give her a hug. They separate and cami breathes in deeply "you're gonna want to sit down for this one" cami says making Athena even more confused.

The two girls walk over to the living, Athena sitting beside Shawn and Cami sitting beside Liam. "Hey what's wrong?" Liam asks worried seeing the serious look over Cami's face.

"Nothing babe, Athena I don't know if I should say this in front of them" Cami says meaning in front of Shawn and Liam.

"Erm Cami you're scaring me just tell me please" Athena says with a shaky voice. Cami sighs and looks at Athena for reassurance. Both boys look at each other confused having no idea what's going on just like Athena.


"Athena, Myles called me" Camille finally says, Athena nods at cami wanting her to carry on.

Shawn sat beside Athena watching her expression change to being really sad or even angry. "What did he say?" Athena was afraid to ask why her ex was calling her best friend.

"You still want me to carry on?" Athena looks at Shawn, he sends her a small smile. "Yeah" she barely whispers. "He wants to meet up with you, he really wants to talk, honestly Athena he sounded genuinely upset on the phone." Cami admits.

Athena doesn't know how to feel about this and Shawn is still sat there confused being the only one that doesn't know who Myles is.

"Who's Myles?" He asks, the three of them look between each other "Athena's ex and our friend" Liam says, Shawn nods not knowing how to feel about hearing this. "Athena he was our friend for so long and you know that, just meet up with him listen to what he has to say then decide what you want to do" Cami spoke with a soft voice.

Athena doesn't know how to process this especially with Shawn beside her. She thinks how this would impact her relationship with Shawn but then again she has no idea what that relationship is.

"I don't want" Athena says "I don't want to meet with him".

"Athena think about this carefully, who knows what he might want to say" Liam says sincerely.

Myles was also Cami and Liam's friend, Athena knows they still meet up sometimes but they don't want to mention it in front of her.

"I don't want to see him" she says half unsure. Cami and Liam nod understandingly as it was completely her choice.

"Come on, Shawn let's go upstairs" she stands up, Shawn following her lead.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now