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March 3rd
Shawn spent the past two months writing, producing, doing whatever he could to get the album finished. Athena was work driven, she didn't stop working. She had something to do all the time.

But during the evenings they would stop their work, leave it all behind and focus on each other. Shawn would cook if he got home early and so would she, always making new dishes that Shawn would love.

They both sat together eating the brownies they had made earlier whilst watching DeadPool. Shawn grabbed his beer drinking the rest of it then putting it down.

"Can we just pause the movie for a second?" He asks pressing pause. "Erm Yeah" she turns to face him seeing how nervous he looks.

"Are you Okay Shawn?" She asks clutching on to his hand. "Yeah I'm fine I just wanted to" he pauses thinking of the right words. "Well we've been busy for the past few months and I guess we deserve a break of some sort. So you know I was planning on going to Jamaica"

Athena smiles nodding at him. "Okay, I'll ask for time off". Shawn grins looking up at her "I'm so excited" he tackles her down in a hug making her laugh.

"Me too, when are we going?" She asks running her hand through his hair. "In two days, can you call your boss now?" Shawn asks holding her body in his strong arms.

"Yeah I'll do it now, pass me my phone" he sits up grabbing her phone from her the table passing it to her as lays down on her body nuzzling his head in her neck.

"Hi Athena, is everything okay?"

"Hi Yvette. I was wondering if I could have some time off" she asks nervously.

"Athena, I told you that you can always work away from the office as long as the works done. I'll send you easier work over email. Enjoy your time off"

"Thank you, I'll have it all done" Athena ends the call and finds Shawn looking down at her.

"I can go, she said I can always work away from the office but I still have work just less of it" she shrugs.

"Well that's good, the boys are coming along too" Shawn tells her. "I'm so excited" she giggles pulling him down for a kiss.
They were now flying to Jamaica, Athena had her headphones in as she worked on her laptop and Shawn talked to the guys.

"So Shawn, Claudia rang me and she wants to know everything going on between you and Athena" Andrew explains. Shawn furrows his eyes brows sitting back. "Why?"

"Because I don't know if you noticed but everyone is going crazy for you guys and as your publicist she needs to be updated with this" Andrew says and Shawn nods.

"Well tell her we're dating that's it" Shawn shrugs. "Okay I'll call her later".

"Shawn" Athena calls tiredly. He gets up immediately walking to her taking the seat beside her. "What's up hun?"

"Come here" he leans closer to her and she puts her head on his shoulder and sighs softly. "Your just so soft" she laughs tiredly.

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we land" he kisses the top of her head letting her drift off to sleep. Her laptop makes a loud noise making her jump closer to him. Shawn grabs her laptop putting it on his lap to close it down.

His eyes wonder around the screen seeing she had an email form Elliot. He looks down at Athena seeing her sleeping so he clicks on to it.

Hi Athena, Yvette said your working away from the office for a while so I'm using your facilities whilst your away. I hope you don't mind. Anyway have a good time off love!
-E x

Shawn's head got hot reading the email, he didn't want to think much off it but he couldn't help but cringe knowing someone else was calling her 'love'. It might've been in a friendly way but that's not how Shawn took it.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now