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Through the night, the journey there, the ride to her parents place all Athena could do was brace herself with what her dad could say. She knew harsh words would be thrown at her but she bracing herself for the worst.

Shawn squeezes her hand letting her know they've arrived. "You got this" Shawn kisses her temple. They get out the taxi and Shawn grabs their bags since they planned to stay a week.

They walk in to the building being greeted by a door man. "Miss Carter it's lovely having you back" he smiles. "Thank you Carson, I'm just heading straight up and this Shawn" Athena smiles.

Shawn shakes his head introducing himself. "Pleasure meeting you Mr Mendes my son is a fan" Carson smiles. "Oh would you like a picture?" Shawn asks.

Athena holds up his phone taking a picture of the two passing it back. "Thank you, your very talented sir and take care of our Athena"

"I will" Shawn smiles taking Athena's hand as they enter the lift. "He was nice" Shawn comments.

"Yeah he is, He's known my family for a while now" Athena shrugs. "And Shawn" shawn looks down at her seeing her worried expression.

"I know you've met my parents before but they can be a bit much"

"I'll be fine love" he kisses her lips quickly then the elevator dings. "Top floor?"

"Yep, the penthouse" Athena breathes out and Shawn nods, inside he was filled with panic.

They walks out and are immediately greeted by a middle aged woman in a uniform. "Hi Liz" Athena smiles. "Miss Carter, your parents are preparing dinner" liz smiles taking the bags of Shawn.

Athena takes Shawn's hands then leads him to the open modern kitchen we're her parents are laughing whilst chopping vegetables. "Mum I'm here" Athena sings walks over to her mum leaving Shawn's hand.

"Oh Athena" her mum engulfs her in a hug rubbing her back then they pull back. "Come here" her dad gestures opening his arms taking her in a hug.

"You guys remember Shawn" Athena gestures to him. Her mum walks over to him giving him a warm hug. "It's nice seeing you Mrs Carter"

"You too Shawn and call me Elle please"

"And you too Mr Carter" Shawn pulls his hand out and her dad shakes his hand firmly.

"Shawn" her dad nods "it's Richard" her dad smiles making Athena's shoulders drop.

"Can you two set up the table, dinners almost ready" Elle says passing Athena two wine glasses. Athena nods and Shawn follows her out to an open space. A glass table in the middle with a flower centre piece and the table lined with pieces of china.

"When are you going to tell them?" Shawn asks placing a hand on her back. "During dinner" she mumbles.

"Okay, whatever happens it'll be okay" Shawn reassures her kissing her forehead. The two set down next to each other and her parents walks in sitting opposite them. Shawn facing her mother.

The staff bring in the food and Athena thanks them. She looks at Shawn seeing how wowed he looks by all this.

"So we love seeing you Athena but what was the emergency?" He mother asks taking a sip of her white wine. "Oh can't I just see you" Athena laughs nervously. Shawn places a hand at her knee and squeezes.

"But you never do and anyway we know you, so what is it?" Her dad asks resting his chin on his hands.

"Erm I" She looks over at Shawn who sends her a warm smile. "I got kicked out f-from the academy". Pure silence cover the room and the expression on her parents face is unreadable.

"Athena is this a joke?" Her dad asks.

Athena shakes her head no looking down at her hands in disappointment. "Athena I paid a lot of money for you to move there, for you to attend there and you got kicked out?!" Her dad yells.

Her mum places a hand at his upper arm. "Richard" her mum whisper yells, she always was the soft one.

"Dad I'm sorry, I feel so bad but there was nothing I could I do" she says quietly.

"Why?" Her dad asks. "I wasn't up to date and I missed classes" she mumbles.

"Oh that's brilliant, I assume it's because of him" her dad scoffs. "Now that this silly thing is over will you be moving back here, so I don't have to waste my money" her dad spits making a tear fall down her face. She hadn't even thought about moving back.

"Richard stop it" her mother spits looking at Athena sadly. "Why? She begged to move to Canada to go to this school and look what's happened now" her dad states.

Shawn looks at Athena sadly as she looks at her mother with sadness in her eyes. Athena gulps then closes her eyes letting more tears fall down. "So what are you going to do now?" Her dad asks anger laced in his voice.

"I don't know" she whispers wiping her face.

"Athen you better fix this, I expected more from you and if you consider moving back do it quick so I can help you find a job" her dad says like he had no emotion.

Athena nods then gets up. "Erm thanks for dinner mum". She walks away asking for her bags and Shawn follows her saying a thanks. "Are we leaving?"

Athena nods sadly looking at her shoes. Her mother walks in sighing. "Athena, don't cry your dad is just hurt" her mother says patting her back.

"But what about me mum? That was my dream too and you didn't even say anything" the hurt clear in her voice. "Athena Elle you know if there was something I could say to make the situation better I would"

Athena nods the looks up at Shawn signalling that they should go. He presses the elevator button and the doors open. "Thanks for dinner Mrs Carter" Shawn sends her a small smile then follows Athena who doesn't say anything.

The doors close and Shawn drops their bags to hugs her from the side. "It'll be okay, I'm going to help you as much as I can love" Shawn squeezes the fragile girl then kisses her forehead.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now