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Shawn held Athena in his arms at the doorway. He breathed in deeply smelling her sweet perfume on her clothes. "You forgot to pack your charger so I shoved it in that small pocket in your backpack and I put a water bottle in their too" she tells him speaking in to his shoulder.

"Thanks" he mumbles now lifting her up by her thighs holding her up against the wall. "It's only a week right" he kisses down her jaw. His eyes filled with lust and heart filled with love.

"One week" Athena whispers feeling his lips suck in her skin. He lifts his head up meeting her eyes. "I'll meet you in LA baby" she leans forwards indulging in a sweet kiss.

He lets her down moving his hands up her shirt. "I'll see you soon love" me pecks her lips once more. "Bye Shawn" she kisses him again, resulting in Shawn sliding his tongue in smoothly dominating the kiss as he holds her face moving her to rhythm of their lips.

"You're going to be late" Athena pulls away. "Okay it's a week" he breathes out grabbing his bag and guitar case.

"Just a week, then I'll join you in LA then I'll be by your side" she grins, Shawn sighs opening the door, he turns back to leans down to kiss her again wanting the sweet taste of her lips to linger on his.

"Have a safe flight and call me when you land" she says squeezing his shoulder gently. He nods then walks away.
"Are you okay Athena?" Yvette asks walking in to Athena's office seeing her staring down at her phone. "I'm fine" she sends her a small smile grabbing a pen quickly to make it seem like she was doing something.

"Athena, as your boss and friend of like to really know how you're feeling" Yvette says leaning against the window ledge looking outside. Athena nods standing up beside Yvette both of the admiring the view.

"The view is better London" Yvette chuckles. "I started off there and eventually earned my own base here in Toronto, I didn't want to leave I had my friends, family and boyfriend in London" Yvette admits pursing her lips together.

"In knew it would be difficult for me to see the people I loved, I missed them so much but I knew that I had to make the choice for myself. My boyfriend accepted it and moved here with me, I earned so much that I could fly down to see my parents or have them visit me every month" Yvette breathes out now looking at Athena.

"Why are you telling me this?" Athena asks. "Because I want you to know that wherever you go and whatever you decide to do it should be for you, you need to make yourself happy before you start granting other people's wishes"

Athena lets out a sigh looking down at her hands. "I have Shawn here, I love him and I can't ask him to move with me, he had his whole life here but my family is in New York and the distance really did have an impact on us but I've made my choice I want to stay here, I want to spend my life here with Shawn, I might not be completely ready for marriage but if it's with him I want nothing more" her eyes fill with tears just thinking about them living their lives as a married couple.

"I admire you Athena, your passion for love is amazing. The offer is still on the table if you ever do change your mind have it be a week from now or a year, you still deserve the chance to succeed on your own and Shawn as your partner should be happy for you" Yvette smiles and Athena nods understandingly.

"Thank you for this Yvette, I really do appreciate this" Athena leans forward to hug Yvette. "You really are one of the best employees we've ever had" Yvette chuckles stepping back from the hug. "Thank you, now I should get back to work" Athena laughs sitting back in her chair as Yvette walks off giving her a warm smile.

Athena smiles to herself, thinking she looks like an idiot she shakes it off looking down at her phone; a missed call from Shawn. She immediately calls back holding the phone to her ear.

"Hey babe" she grins. "Wait where are you? It's so loud" she giggles hearing loud bass music playing in the back and loud chatter.

"Hey, I'm at a party" Shawn says looking around as he walks out the club. "Oh aren't you tired?" She asks setting her phone on loud as she continues her work.

"I was but then we got invited to a party by Zedd then tomorrow we're going to see him perform" Shawn tells her shoving his hands in his pockets. A group of girls walk by him giggling as they look him up and down. Athena hears it but brushes it off knowing he's in public.

"Ooo sounds exciting" she laughs. "How was the flight?" She asks.

"It was good, I slept all the way"

"Shawn the party is inside not outside!" Someone yells making Shawn look back. "I'll let you go love, have fun Shawn" Athena says genuinely.

"Erm Okay, I'll call tomorrow babe" he makes a kissing noise making Athena's cheeks blush pink even though she can't see him. He shoves his phone back in his pocket making his way inside.

"Look it's Shawn" he hears a few girls giggle. He laughs shaking his head walking away to his friends to enjoy the night.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now