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"Athena, love" Shawn shakes her gently making her groan and turn the other way. "Let me sleep" she mumbles rolling over to his side.

"Your alarm keeps going off you're going to be late" He tells her and she shoots up. "Late for what? What day is it?" She asks frantically.

"It's Tuesday and for school, how did you forget?" Shawn chuckles grabbing his clothes to put on, he faces the other way doing his hair in the mirror.

"Oh" Athena sighs sadly then she flops back down remembering yesterday. "Are you not going in today? What about your attendance?" Shawn asks turning around to see her lying doing again.

"I don't care" she mumbles rubbing her eyes. "Are you okay love? You seem... off" Shawn says cautiously going to sit beside her.

"I'm fine" she huffs sitting up. "Are you sure?"

"Stop asking me, I'm fine. Now can I go shower or are you going to carry on interrogating me?" She shoots harshly.

"Fine I'm sorry for caring about you" he gets up leaving the room thinking he did something to hurt her. Athena gets up sighing making her way to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Shawn drinks his coffee whilst making himself busy on his phone looking at how his relationship with Athena has exploded over the internet. Maybe that's why she's upset? Shawn thinks to himself.

Athena walks in fully dressed and her hair and makeup done. "Are you going somewhere?" He asks her as she leans down putting her boots on.

"Yeah I'm meeting Lilly for lunch"

Shawn mumbles an Okay then looks down back on his phone. "Shawn" he looks up seeing her stood in front of him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to act like that" she sighs sitting beside him placing a hand on his knee.

"It's okay, just tell me what's wrong" he puts his hand over hers. "I'll tell you when I'm back, I promise" Shawn nods then pecks her lips quickly. "I'll see you later okay" Athena gets up looking down at him.

"Yeah I'll be right here" he laughs sadly.
"I need to tell you so much" Athena laughs sitting down with Lilly.

"You seriously do, Camille is driving us crazy" Lilly rolls her eyes sipping her lemonade.

"Well to keep it short, Camille hate me because apparently I ditch her for Shawn, Myles told me he still loves me, me and Shawn told each other that we love each other, I got kicked out of school and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life" her voice cracks towards the end and Lilly frowns.

"Athena, Camille doesn't hate you she's just salty for some reason and I'm happy for you and Shawn. And so what if you got kicked out, Yeah it sucks but there's so much you can do" Lilly states sitting forward.

"Thanks lil but how do I tell my dad? He payed for me to move here, my house, my tuition, he didn't want me to go down this career route and I've... Well I've let him down" she sighs looking down at her hands.

"He'll understand, just tell him the truth and you'll find something. It's not the end of the world you're only nineteen!" Lilly exclaims throwing her hands in the air making Athena laugh.

"And Camille will come around, I think she's just having problems with Liam and as for Myles, I know he loves you but he'll just have to face the fact that he can't have you back"

Athena nods agreeing. "Lilly you are truly the best"

"Don't you think I know" Lilly smirks making Athena laugh.
"Shawn!" Athena shouts walking in to the darkness of his condo. She walks in to the bedroom seeing Shawn with his guitar in his lap humming to himself.

"Hey" he looks up sending her a smile. "That sounded good" she comments getting changed in to more comfy clothing. Athena sits by Shawn looking over his scribbled notes.

"Are you going to tell me now?" Shawn asks putting his guitar down so he can hug her body from the side.

She breathes in deeply composing herself. "I got kicked out from the academy"

Shawn's features soften and his heart aches looking at the tears that form in her eyes. "Oh Athena, it's okay" he mumbles kissing the top of her head.

"It's not okay" she cries. "My dad paid for me to go there and it's the only reason I'm here. He paid for me to move here. He didn't want me studying fashion and I've let him down, I- I can't tell him. I just can't" her voice cracks and she leans into Shawn for comfort.

"You can tell him, he'll understand. And you can do so much I know you can. You're incredibly talented Athena and I'll do anything to help you do whatever you want" Shawn plays with the ends of her hair comforting her as much as he could.

"He's gonna hate me" she sobs.

"No he's not, don't tell him over the phone say it face to face maybe he'll understand"

Athena scoffs looking up at him. "Understand what? That I'm a failure and I skipped classes and I didn't do my work just to spend time with you?"

Shawn furrows his eyebrows loosening his grip around her waist. "So this is my fault?"

"No I didn't mean that Shawn. It's my fault and my fault only" she sighs joining their hands together.

"I'm sorry, I keep saying the wrong things I'm just frustrated with myself this was my goal and it took me a while to get here and I just wasted it" she shrugs using her spare hand to wipe her face.

"Athena you're so young, there's so many things coming your way don't get hung up on this. And I can come with you if you like, to New York to tell your dad" he kisses forehead.

Athena nods looking up at him. "I'm scared"

"Don't be, I'll help you with whatever you need I'm here for you Okay. I love you" Shawn places his hand at the side of her face.

"I love you too" she whispers, placing her head on his chest. "I'll book our flight, we'll just go tomorrow and get it over and done with"

Athena nods not saying anything, trying to think of the words she'll tell her dad.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now