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"Good morning roomie" Shawn smirks kissing her bare shoulder. "Morning" she giggles as his slight stubble tickles her skin.

"I'm excited for you to move in, I ordered you a vanity last night. We can put it right there" he points. "You didn't have to" she shakes her head.

"Well where else would you put your stuff eh?" He asks running a finger down her arm. "Eh" She mimics laughing to herself. "Stop it" he pouts nudging her. "It's so cute when you say that though"

"Yeah yeah yeah" he flops back down tracing patterns on her back. Three loud knocks disrupt their cheerful morning. "I'll go" She gets up sliding on Shawn's hoodie and her pyjama shorts.

She makes her way to the door opening it revealing a two delivery men, one holding a clip board and the other holding two boxes, there were boxes also behind them.

"Are you Athena Carter?" The man asks and Athena nods. "Yeah that's me".

"Okay we have these boxes that you asked to be delivered and here's the letter" the man hands her a white envelope with her name written on it. "Would you like us to put the boxes inside their heavy and there's a few of them"

"Erm Yeah please just down here will be fine" she gestures to the hallway moving aside letting them in. The two men makes three trips going in and out putting boxes down. "That's all miss, have a nice day"

"You too" Athena smiles shutting the door. She leans against the wall and opens the envelops, her heart drops as she reads over the words

To Athena,
It's Camille, I hope you're happy. That's all your stuff packed for you. I hope you enjoy living with Shawn.
I know I'm a shitty friend and hearing what Shawn said to me yesterday made me realise it. I'm truly sorry Athena, I'm really am. I never should have told Myles to tell you anything, the truth was that I was scared of loosing you and now I have. I know Shawn said you basically hate me and it might be hard for you to forgive me now that you've moved in with him but I need you to know I'm sorry.
Love Camille

Athena reads over the words again, her face heating up in anger. Shawn lied to her, why would he say those things to Camille, it wasn't his right in the first place.

"Athena what's all this?" Shawn asks walking out to her seeing a bunch of boxes. She looks up at him with tears in her eyes. "It's all my stuff"

"And a letter from Camille" she waves around the paper and Shawn nods. "What does it say?"

"Why did you lie to me?" She asks.

"I didn't" he steps closer to her holding her wrists gently. "You did" she pulls back shoving the letter in his hands storming off. Shawn turns the letter over quickly scanning it and his heart drops. "Athena" he shouts dropping the letter following her as she went in to the bedroom.

"Babe come on just hear me out" he sits beside her but she gets up moving to her wardrobe just doing anything to distract herself. "Athena" he wraps his arms around her trapping her in.

Athena tugs on his arms but he doesn't budge. "Get off me" she groans giving up. "Are you going to listen to me?"

"Why so you can lie to me?" She scoffs pulling on his arms again, he spins her around backing her up to the wall. "I'm sorry"

"You had no right to do that" her eyes fill with tears as she locks her gaze on him. "I know"

"Why did you do it then?" She brings a hand up wiping her tears. "Because I'm selfish" he sighs moving his arms to his sides.

"She probably hates me." Athena mumbles making Shawn's features soften. "You told her I already moved in with you then you asked me, what if I had said no?"

"But you didn't"

"That's not the point, I lost my friend" she mutters walking away from him. "Athena love, I'm really sorry. I was angry at her for the way she treated you, no friend does that" he follows her in to the bathroom.

"But she was my friend Shawn" Athena sighs picking up her hairbrush. "You have other friends, you have me"

"You don't get it do you. She's my best friend and I used to live with her and everything I've had with her has disappeared because of you" she slams her brush down nudging Shawn as she walks away.

"But your friendship wasn't going anywhere, Athena you didn't even try to get her back" Shawn shoots, coming across harshly. She turns on her heel scoffing. "So this is my fault now?" She points to herself. "You're the one who went behind my back, told Camille that I basically hated her" her arms fold over her chest.

"Now she's never going to want to talk to me" a tear slips her eye. Shawn steps closer to her but she steps back. "I'm going out" she grabs her phone leaving Shawn.

He hadn't realised how much he effected her. She lost her best friend and it was partially Shawn's fault. Guilt consumed him as he watched her leave, she radiated a sense of sadness and it hurt Shawn knowing he did this.

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now