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Athena sat in between Brian and Josiah as they all talked and laughed telling her about Shawn and his most embarrassing moments.

Shawn sat on the floor with Ian and Geoff, he kept his eye on Athena and she would often catch him staring but he couldn't help it, he wouldn't even look away when she saw him, he would just wink at her making her blush insanely or even roll her eyes.

"So Athena?" Brian speaks up, she looks at him and hums a yes. "The goddess of wisdom, that's what Athena means right" Athena nods smiling at him. "Yeah it does".

"Well you certainly are a goddess" Brian winks at her, she suddenly becomes uncomfortable not knowing what to say back. It was just her luck that her phone began to ring.

"Erm where can I take this?" She asks looking over at Shawn who was obviously annoyed with Brian, Shawn clearly heard the flirting and for some reason it lit him up.

"The kitchen" Shawn says. Athena nods walking out the room.

"Hey cami"

"Athena, hows it going?!"

"Well me and Shawn were alone for a while but then his friends came, I mean like all 8 of them"

"Oh, are they cute?"

"Miss Collins! You have a boyfriend and no"

"Well Miss Carter I see, you only have your eye on Shawn" cami teases.

"Shut up! don't you have stuff to do with Liam"

"Liam's showering and don't try to change the subject. I hope you get lucky tonight bye bitch" cami quickly hangs up not letting Athena say anything else.

Athena put her phone in her back pocket and turns around to walk out but Shawn walks in. "Everything okay?" Shawn asks her.

"Yeah everything is fine"

"Okay, it's just that you took kinda long so I thought I should see if you're okay which you are so I guess that's good" Shawn rambles on making Athena giggle. "What is it?" He asks.

"You're rambling" she laughs "oh sorry I didn't realise" Shawn says slightly anxious. "It's okay Shawn, it's cute" Athena says walking up to him holding his shoulders.

Shawn cracks a smile at her compliment. He places his hands on her waist lightly and pulls her close. "You're cute" Shawn teases her making her shove her head in the crook of his neck. "Am I doing this to you?" Shawn teases knowing he has an impact on her.

"Doing what?" Athena asks innocently still not moving from his shoulder, she breaths in his scent and oh did he smell like heaven.

"You know making you blush and become all shy"

"I'm not shy"

"Oh yeah you are, you didn't hug me back the first time" Shawn laughs, Athena hits his chest and tries to pull a straight face looking at him. "I know I was so awkward" Athena confesses.

Shawn stops laughing but holds a smile as he looks between her lips then her eyes. Athena  watches his eyes as he stares.

Shawn leans forward, Athena leans in too. He holds her waist tighter and pulls her closer. Finally his lips meet hers, it felt good for both of them. Shawn confidently moved his hands further down squeezing her bum making her mouth open wider at the gesture. He brings his hands up to her face and controls her movements dominating the kiss and she lets him.

He begins walking so her back hits the counter, Shawn grabs her waist placing her on top with out breaking the kiss. She crosses her legs behind his back and runs a hand through his hair.

Shawn groans as he feels one of her hands going up his shirt.

"Hey Shawn, we're all leavi-" Brian walks in and stops when he sees them.

Athena pushes Shawn back and gulps looking down at the ground, Shawn runs a hand through his hair and looks over at Brian. "What is it man?" Shawn asks.

"Erm we're all leaving now just wanted to tell you" Brian says mumbling over his words.

"Oh okay I'll come open the door" Shawn says, Brian nods and walks out the kitchen.

Athena hops down from the counter and Shawn turns to her holding her upper arm then kissing her lips again but only for a short time. He pulls back and sees her smiling which only makes him even happier.

Shawn walks out holding Athena's hand seeing all the boys ready to go. "Bye Shawn and Athena" Ian says going to hug them both making Shawn let go of Athena, they all say good bye walking out and Shawn locks the door.

Athena  follows Shawn to the living room. "I should probably go home now, Cami is spending the night at Liam's so I should go" Athena says grabbing her bag but Shawn stopped her by holding her arm.

"Stay for the night, I can give you clothes and plus you shouldn't be home alone" Athena smiles at his words and nods "I have clothes in my car actually, I was supposed to be staying at a friends but that got cancelled last week so I have clothes in my-" Shawn cut her off by kissing her again.

He holds her jaw then pulls back, "I'll go get them" he smiles. Athena holds up her keys from her bag giving them to Shawn.

He quickly returns and passes the bag to Athena she says thank you and sits down next to him. "Your bag was open by the way" Shawn states. "Erm Okay then" she laughs not sure of where this is going.

"I like that black bra" Shawn says confidently. "Oh god Shawn!" She yells whilst laughing, she hits his arm playfully "What it's nice" Shawn laughs.

Shawn gets in bed throwing his shirt off leaving him in his joggers. Athena walks out the bathroom wearing a pair of white cotton shorts and a rather large black shirt that Shawn insisted she wore. She tied a knot to the side so it was shorter showing her stomach.

Her eyes wonder over Shawn's body she feels herself getting hot, he looked so good.

She gets in next to Shawn and he pulls her closer wrapping an arm over her waist.
Her back presses against his warm chest and she breaths out and smiles feeling Shawn's bare arms around her skin. "Good night Athena" Shawn whispers pressing a kiss to her head.

"Good night Shawn"

Devotion: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now